We live in one of the best neighborhoods in Houston. While we all enjoy the many benefits of the Woodland Heights, there are unfortunately a few downsides. Clean neighborhoods filled with trusting people that are near major highway systems and large city centers often attract criminals and individuals that look to take advantage of the situation.
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In no way is our neighborhood comparable to a crime-ridden New York or Chicago gangland, but there are individuals that seek to upset our way of life. Consider this recent post from the Crime & Safety section of NextDoor (pictured right.) In reference to an attempted break-in at their home, the homeowner states very plainly;
“...for those that are on the fence regarding the Constable program, Deputy Vest was here almost immediately after being alerted.”
The Constable Patrol Program helps keep our community safe. Through the efforts of two dedicated Constables patrolling our neighborhood, we’re able to keep crime to a minimum, and when needed, have a quick reaction force on stand-by. Not to mention the added value of vacation checks while you’re away, home security checks, rapid response to HPD dispatch requests and timely assistance when needed.
However, it is our responsibility as homeowners and members of this great community to fund this program. Since 2011, Woodland Heights Civic Association has administered a Constable Patrol Program, serviced by Harris County Precinct One. Our Constable Patrol Program is a supplemental police force, currently two deputies, hired to patrol our neighborhood for two 40-hour shifts per week.
In 2017, only 400 of approximately 2000 homes in the Woodland Heights supported this effort to keep our neighborhood safe. While some have renewed their subscriptions, going forward into 2018 we are at risk of losing all or part of the Constable Patrol Program.
Will you join this effort to ensure we keep the Constable Patrol Program? if your prefer to pay by check you can signup by mail using the form on the back of the Constable Patrol flier (downloadable here) or online at
Should you have questions feel free to reach out to Cody McGregor, WHCA VP of
Security at: