The WHCA Board Nominating Committee are now accepting nominations for seats on the Woodland Heights Civic Association Board for the 2016-17 term, which starts April 1, 2016 and runs through March 31, 2017. Elections will be at the general meeting on Tuesday, March 8, at 7 p.m. at Hogg Middle School Cafeteria.
The following positions are up for election:
- President-Elect (president in waiting for the 2017-18 term)
- Treasurer (handles the WHCA's accounting, must be proficient in accounting concepts and software)
- Secretary (prepares minutes of WHCA board and general meetings, maintains books and records of the WHCA)
- VP, Beautification (responsible for nominating yard of the month, proposing and executing other beautification projects)
- VP, Communications (responsible for maintaining the website and preparing and distributing the newsletter)
- VP, Deed Restrictions (responsible for monitoring land use and deed restriction issues in the neighborhood, must be a lawyer licensed in Texas)
- VP, Infrastructure (responsible for monitoring all infrastructure issues in the neighborhood, such as the recent sidewalk construction and METRO issues)
- VP, Membership (sign up new members each year, maintain database of members)
- VP, Security (responsible for managing the Constable program and contracts)
If you would like to nominate yourself, please fill out this form and email it to us at Thanks!
The Nominating Committee (Allison Hartzell, JW Lodge, Glen Sementelli, Casey Ballard, and Tim McConn)