Hello Woodland Heights neighbors -
We need to find three WHCA members to serve on the nominating committee for the upcoming WHCA elections in March. If you would like to volunteer, please email me at president@woodland-heights.org. The task is simple - tell people about the upcoming election in March, understand and take nominations for WHCA Board positions, and monitor the March the voting on March 20 at the Annual General Meeting of the WCHA. There are five members; two from the WHCA Board (Tyson Greer and Carla Reed), and three non-Board members (these are the ones we are looking for).
Only requirement is that you are a paid Homeowner member (owner of a residence within the association boundaries) of the WHCA. The Nominating Committee will be finalized by January 31, 2018 and nominations for the 2018-2019 WHCA Board will be open starting February 1st, 2018.
Want to learn more about the board and its officers - please take a look at the WHCA Bylaws on our website https://www.woodland-heights.org/bylaws/.
Tyson Greer
President WHCA