My First General Meeting / by Lori Bigler

My first official solo act was to preside over the General Meeting for the WHCA scheduled for July 10.  Of course, I was running late for the meeting as a result of my bill-paying job.  On my way to the meeting, I get a flurry of comms about the meeting.  I pulled over to see what was happening.

It seems, through some miscommunication among the staff at Hogg Middle School (the locale of the scheduled meeting), the doors to the building were locked and there was no assistance available.  Consequently, after deciding to cancel the meeting, an ad hoc gathering flocculated at A 2nd Cup on 11th.  Those who made the effort to attend the General Meeting gathered informally out of courtesy to the guest speakers and to hear their presentations.

Figure 1 - Shelley Rice presents "All Things Bees In Texas."

Figure 1 - Shelley Rice presents "All Things Bees In Texas."

David Welch and Shelley Rice (Figure 1) each made interesting and informative presentation regarding “Special Minimum Lot Size and Building Ordinances” and “All Things Bees” respectively.  The gathering disbanded after some discussion of recent events and some offhand communication of board information.

Now, if I was making an autocratic decision regarding how to deal with the cancelled General Meeting, the fact all the folks who attempted to attended the General Meeting came together at the ad hoc gathering plus the fact there was no official business set forth that required a vote would be sufficient to deem the General Meeting requirements fulfilled.  However, a review of the bylaws makes clear their silence on dealing with a cancelled General Meeting but also reveal clarity regarding the General Meeting must take place within the bounds of the Woodland Heights.  

There is no doubt in my mind those who drafted the bylaws and included the clause indicating the General Meeting should occur “at a place within the Association Boundaries” did so with the intent of allowing easy access to all eligible Homeowner Members. Given the fact my estimates place the location of the ad hoc gathering a mere 100 feet out of the area of the Association (Figure 2), it is clear the intent of bylaws was fulfilled by moving the gathering in easy walking distance.  There is also the question of quorum.  From our headcount, there is a valid question as to whether or not we could have met the quorum requirements.

Figure 2 – Hogg Middle School north limits to the seating area of Second Cup; distance estimate.  Image and calculation credit to Google Earth

Figure 2 – Hogg Middle School north limits to the seating area of Second Cup; distance estimate.  Image and calculation credit to Google Earth

Given the above, I will likely not reschedule the meeting.  However, I will entertain reconsidering this decision should two prerequisites fall into place: 1) I receive enough requests to reschedule the meeting to meet General Meeting quorum requirements, and 2) Those who send the requests and meet the qualification of Association membership firmly commit to attend the meeting.

I am looking forward to serving our neighborhood with the dedicated individuals of the board and of the neighborhood.  I will always field requests and listen to opinions with the neighborhood’s best interest in mind.  

For the greater good of the neighborhood,


Harry McMahon,
President, WHCA