HMS Student Designs 2018 Lights in the Heights® Logo / by Lori Bigler


The Lights in the Heights Committee has been working for more than three months planning for Lights in the Heights events to be held starting in September.  Having been on the LITH Committee for that long, I am finding myself humming Christmas Carols and trying to remember all the words to my favorite holiday poem, A Visit from St. Nicholas by Clement Clark Moore.  So, I have loosely patterned this on that beloved holiday poem that Moore wrote for his children almost two hundred years ago, in 1822.

‘Twas the week before summer vacation, and all through Hogg Middle School, Students were anxious about final exams and trying to stay calm and cool. Principal Angela Sugarek was watching over students with care,
As their excitement for summer vacation could be heard in the air.
Some students were busy in their Intro Graphic Design class, using the Web And Adobe InDesign to create digital images of what danced in their heads. Art Teacher Connie Sulewski, who directs the Graphics Design Program at Hogg, Called for her class’s attention, “A new assignment,” she said with a nod.
Then in the classroom there arose such moaning and clatter,
Seventh-grader, Jacob Gonzales looked around to see what was the matter?
“You are not required to do this assignment, it’s just for fun,”
Said Ms. Sulewski, “but you could be famous after you’re done.”
Jacob felt Ms. Sulewski was talking directly to him
As she listed items that would have the 2018 logo on them:
“On banners! On letters! On signs and posters!
On aprons! On ornaments! On napkins, even wine glasses!”
Away to a computer Jacob flew like a flash,
So he could start the assignment quickly, after his dash.
When what in his wandering mind did appear,
But the Lone Star of Texas, something Jacob holds dear.
With a wink of his eye and a nod of his head,
“That’s it!  That’s the design they will want!” Jacob said.
He spoke no more words, but went straight to his work,
Drawing a digital image of his logo, then sat back with a jerk,
On his screen, holiday lights made the Lone Star’s shape, 
The words were neon colors, and at the bottom was the date.
With a sense of pride and hope in his heart, 
Jacob submitted his design, so Ms. Sulewski could do her part.
At a Lights in the Heights Committee meeting, Ms. Sulewski presented
30 excellent designs culled from about 100 submitted.
The LITH Committee was astounded at all the designs, and so impressed,
How would they ever choose just one as the best?
This year’s Co-Chairs, Susan and Sharon, took the lead,
After much discussion and input, the Committee finally agreed:
The Lone Star Holiday Lights design was selected for the 2018 logo!
Jacob Gonzales was the winner – a future graphics design pro!

Congratulations, Jacob Gonzales!
The graphic design program at Hogg Middle School offers students comprehensive problem-solving explorations from the conceptual development phase through production of effective design solutions using digital technologies. Graphic design students address concepts of a variety of design problems leading to the execution and evaluation of their solutions, while gaining confidence and proficiency working with digital media.

- Beth Allen-Brock