Wanted: A Few Good Neighbors! / by Lori Bigler

Hi Woodland Heights -

  1. Do you want to get more involved in the issues that face our wonderful neighborhood?

  2. Do you have a strong opinion about the future of the Woodland Heights or the WHCA and its mission?

  3. Do you want to get to know better some of the wonderful and talented people in this great neighborhood?

  4. Do you have talents in accounting, legal, social media, public relations, technology, fundraising or just a love of the history of the neighborhood you'd like to volunteer to our great neighborhood?

If so - then you should think about joining the Woodland Heights Civic Association Board for the 2019 - 2021 term, which starts June 1, 2019 and runs through May 31, 2021.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in a WHCA board position for the two-year term, please send an email to the nominating committee at nominations@woodland-heights.org. All candidates that wish to run for office (including those current board members running for re-election) must return a nomination form into the nomination committee one day prior to the election on March 14th.

Feel free to speak directly with a member of the nomination committee or an existing board member about these positions. The nominating committee members are:

  • Matt Johnson (Board Member)

  • Melissa Sternfels (Board Member)

  • Pat Rutledge (Non-Board Member)

  • Lauren Lindsay (Non-Board Member)

  • Estella Espinosa (Non-Board Member)

All WHCA Board members must be current homeowner members of the WHCA.


Descriptions of the open board positions are below:


The WHCA Secretary is tasked with recording all meetings in a timely and organized fashion. The Secretary acts as the official record keeper for the organization.

Duties and responsibilities of the WHCA secretary:

  1. Ensuring meetings are effectively organized and minutes kept in a timely manner

  2. Maintaining effective records and administration

  3. Upholding the legal requirements of governing documents

  4. Communication and correspondence via email and print

  5. Posting minutes online and maintaining a WHCA binder of documents, including minutes, sign-in sheets, records, correspondence, agendas, etc.

  6. Setting up and monitoring membership sign-in at general meetings

  7. Assisting the President and other board members with other duties as needed

  8. Attending board meetings and general meetings

 Technical demands of the position

  1. Time Commitment: The job of secretary requires 6-12 hours per month.

  2. Familiarity with MS Word, MS Excel and Adobe PDF.

  3. Use of Dropbox and other online tools for management and storage of documents.

  4. Participating in communications online via email in a timely manner


The WHCA Treasurer is tasked with maintaining financial records, including periodic reporting to the WHCA, as well as payment of bills and invoices, maintaining bank accounts and providing support for special events.

Duties and responsibilities of the WHCA Treasurer:

  1. Maintaining financial records including filing of tax information to both State and Federal Entities.

  2. Maintaining bank accounts and pay resources (paypal/stripe)

  3. Payment of bills and Invoices

  4. Assisting with budgeting and providing oversight

  5. Providing support and oversight for special events

  6. Maintain tracking for Sponsorship, Special Events, Sales and programs (membership and constables)

  7. Review and recommend insurance for organization, directors and special events

Technical Demands of the position:

  1. Time Commitment: The job of treasurer requires 10-20 hours per month. This will depend upon beginning of year membership drives and special events

  2. Familiarity with Non-Profit Accounting software, MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe PDF.

  3. Use of Dropbox and other online tools for management and storage of documents.

  4. Participating in communications online via email in a timely manner.)


 The WHCA Director of Membership is responsible for enrolling new and existing members in the organization, as well as for general promotion of the organization and its aims to the greater Woodland Heights community.

 Duties and responsibilities of the Director of Membership:

  1.  Keep records of new and existing members.

  2. Provide information regarding the WHCA and its mission to new and existing residents of the neighborhood.

  3. Provide input/suggestions to expand/ improve services and add value to membership.

  4. Actively recruit new members and promote and encourage participation in the WHCA

  5. Assess membership needs through instruments such as surveys and questionnaires or other methods suggested by the board, and communicate member needs to the board.

  6. Manage block captains and direct neighborhood outreach efforts. 

  7. Provide welcome packages to new residents in the neighborhood.

  8. Assisting the President and other board members with other duties as needed

  9. Attending board meetings and general meetings

 Technical demands of the position

  1. Time Commitment: The Membership position requires 6-12 hours per month.

  2. Willingness to promote and lobby for WHCA to residents.

  3. Familiarity with MS Word and Adobe PDF.

  4. Use of Dropbox and other online tools for management and storage of documents.

  5. Participating in communications online via email in a timely manner


 The WHCA Director of Infrastructure/Land Use is tasked with assisting the neighborhood with infrastructure-related issues (streetscapes, sidewalks, water systems, lighting.) This position interfaces with the City of Houston Public Works regarding public works, civil engineering issues, traffic and related issues. In addition, this role is responsible for questions or concerns about land use issues related to building codes, zoning, lot size and use, and similar concerns.

 Duties and responsibilities of the Director of Infrastructure/Land Use:

  1.  Interface with City of Houston Public Works regarding civil, public works, streetscape, and related issues.

  2. Maintain or account for the public infrastructures for which the WHCA is responsible (electricity on the esplanades etc.)

  3. Act as a resource for members with land use questions or concerns, whether on private property or public.

  4. Spearhead initiatives toward neighborhood improvement that extend beyond beautification (i.e. planning issues, code issues, etc.)

  5. Assisting the President and other board members with other duties as needed .

  6. Attending board meetings and general meetings

 Technical demands of the position

  1.  Time Commitment: The Infrastructure position requires 6-12 hours per month.

  2. Familiarity with City of Houston communication protocols.

  3. Some familiarity with land use, codes, deed restrictions, and similar issues.

  4. Familiarity with MS Word and Adobe PDF.

  5. Use of Dropbox and other online tools for management and storage of documents.

  6. Participating in communications online via email in a timely manner