We just want to post a gentle reminder that there’s no organized Lights in the Heights® event this year. What does this mean?
There were no permits pulled for the event because of Covid-19
There will not be extra police presence in the neighborhood
There will not be trash receptacles
There will not be porta potties
There will be no “one way” directional signs for cars or any other no traffic control
City of Houston will be the contact for any noise ordinance complaints
There has not been a coordination with Lyft this year
It’s sad, we know, so we wrote you this poem to cheer you up.
All kidding aside, we really want our neighbors to have a safe and happy holiday season. We’re working to spread the word that we’re not having our traditional LITH event. This includes signage at the esplanade, coordination with local businesses and groups to communicate our plans, notifying the constable over concerns there may be a potential uptick in pedestrian traffic and reaching out to local media as another avenue to share our plans.
-LITH Committee and WHCA