Introducing The Great Rainbow Hunt / by Lori Bigler

Following from the success of the city-wide ☘️Shamrock Hunt☘️, the Woodland Heights Civic Association cordially invites you and your family to participate in the 🌈 Great Rainbow Hunt!


Similar to the Shamrock Hunt, neighbors are asked to place a rainbow (or two, or three, or twenty) of their choosing, in their windows, on or before Tuesday, March 24th.

🌈Paint it. 🌈Color it. 🌈Print it out. 🌈Macrame it. Whatever! Then, on Wednesday, March 25th, the 🌈 Great Rainbow Hunt will begin.

Additional details will follow, including how YOU or YOUR FAMILY can win a prize for locating the most 🌈s (within the boundaries of the Woodland Heights Civic Association).

Also, be on the lookout for the WHCA’s announcement of a neighborhood-wide scavenger hunt, which will be aimed at our younger neighbors, as well as the upcoming 🌞Great Sunshine Hunt, the 🌼 Great Flower Hunt, and other family-friendly-social-distancing-activities.

Questions? And, if you aren’t already a WHCA member, please consider joining us by visiting our website at

P.S. - an easy way to add rainbows to your home is to use these Rainbow Windows Clings, available on