Curbside native tree project - Trees on sale! / by Lori Bigler

Curbside Tree Sale
from $0.00

Woodland Heights is known for its beautiful Oak trees. To keep it that way we need to get more trees planted than are being removed.

Curbside trees must be planted in the right of way between the sidewalk and the road.

$100 purchase Includes:

  • One 15 gallon tree

  • Materials for planting (soil, mulch, stakes, tree guard)

  • Naturally replenishing moisture donut/ring

Invasive Tree Removal

City of Houston will remove invasive trees at no cost to the homeowner. WHCA will provide a native tree when one becomes available through donation. Select Invasive Tree Replacement at checkout and we will contact you.

Review the HPARD Invasive Plants list to see if you have any on your curbside.

2021 Curbside Tree Project

26 new trees ranging from live oaks, red buds, red maples, shumard oaks, loblolly pine to pecans were purchased from Trees for Houston. Some were placed on homeowners' property while some were donated. Donated trees were planted curbside on blocks which lacked shade plus some were donated to St. Mark's Methodist Church for planting along Redan.

Big shout out of gratitude and thanks to:

Emily Guyre who recruited four St. Thomas High School students: Jackson Guyre, Philip Gallagher, Landon Croker, and Pablo Ramirez. Ben McClure and Eric Nelson rounded out the team. This crew was incredibly hard working and fun despite the rain.

Thank you to those that donated trees on behalf of neighbors and to Nuro, whose donations sponsored trees along Redan at St. Mark's.

Last but certainly not least, we want to shout out a huge thank you to Ms. Saldana, principal of Hogg MS, for graciously allowing us to use their parking lot for drop off and staging of the trees, mulch and stakes! We appreciate it!

- Allison Hartzell, Director of Beautification