WHCA SECURITY REPORT - April / by Lori Bigler

Our neighborhood continues to make me smile. There is something to be said about kids biking to school. People walking in the streets and biking in the streets. We kind of have the six degrees of Kevin Bacon in our community. You meet new people and you will find they know someone you know. This keeps our community secure and close knit.

We are lucky to have the means to have a constable program. We not only have one, but two shifts. However, we are still lacking the number of subscribers required to maintain two patrols. We will always have our connections and neighbors to look out for us but do we want to lose a constable shift? Sign up and spread the word. https://www.woodland-heights.org/store

-Margaux Poizat, Director of Security

On behalf of Deputy Vest:

  • School is almost out.

  • Make sure your cars are locked and valuables are not visible.

  • Remember we have vacation watch.

  • Please call the dispatch with anything, no matter how big or small.

Open April - cp.jpeg