Did you know?
You can now join the Woodland Heights civic association at any time during the year. In the past, memberships were always a fixed-term from April 1 to March 31. Recent improvements in how we handle payments allow us more flexibility. Now, your WHCA membership is one year from the date you last paid your dues.
We’ve also brought back the auto renewal option. You will receive a notice annually before you are charged each year. This is a great way to go.
Your civic association dues pay for special events, such as the home and garden tour, Lights in the Heights, maintenance of the Watson and Norhill esplanades and enforcement of deed restrictions. It also pays for the Woodland-Heights website and newsletters.
Membership also ensures your ability to vote at association meetings. Homeowners only please. Each household gets one vote.
If you have any questions or would like to know if your membership is current, please contact me at membership@woodland-heights.org
- Kelly Hare, Director of Membership, WHCA