After reviewing the matter at the May 17, 2022 meeting, the GHSNC voted unanimously, with one abstention, to issue this letter and formally support the 11th Street Project.
The NTMP Comment Period Ends Soon! /
Just a friendly reminder that the deadline for submission of comments about the traffic calming measures is fast approaching. Comments must be submitted by Monday, May 14th.
Every household in the neighborhood received a mailing that includes a comment form. They seek the opinion of each household using a simple poll:
- Support the devices
- Support with modifications
- Do NOT support the devices
Comments may also include suggestions for where traffic cushions might be added or removed to further refine the approach. Comments can be submitted by post mail or online at the following web page.
Only one comment per household is allowed. Questions about the program can be directed to
NTMP Public Meeting Summary /
On Tuesday April 27th, the community participated in a public meeting for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, hosted by the City of Houston Public Works department. The meeting focused on the traffic study of speed cushions that have been installed in Woodland Heights since June of last year.
A crowd of engaged residents gathered in the library of Travis Elementary to ask questions and comment on the plan. Notables in attendance included CM Karla Cisneros, CM Michael Kubosh and Khang Nguyen, PWE Assistant Director, Traffic Management Branch.
Gary Drabek, NTMP Program Manager, briefed the gathered crowd on the results of their speed data collection, offering an overview of the before-and-after traffic study count data. That was followed by an animated question and answer session.
Drabek explained that residents who would like deeper or more complete traffic study data than what they presented in the meeting can obtain complete data using the city's GIS Interactive Traffic Counts Map. All data collected by Public Works is fully available to the public. Mr Dabek offered to distribute a cheat sheet on using that system to anyone who is so inclined.
Currently, Public Works is collecting comments regarding the installation. All comments must be submitted to Public Works by May 14th.
Mr Dabek placed particular emphasis on the importance of the comments in helping the city evaluate the installation and plot a path forward. However, he also reminded the community that the comments are not votes. Public Works will use the comments to make a recommendation to the city council, but will not determine their recommendation based on numbers of comments for or against.
The city has already mailed every household in the neighborhood a package that includes a comment form. They seek the opinion of each household using a simple poll:
- Support the devices
- Support with modifications
- Do NOT support the devices
They also seek comment about the installation itself. That could include suggestions for where traffic cushions might be added or removed, to further refine the approach. Comments can be submitted by post mail or online at the following web page.
Only one comment per household is allowed. Comments must be submitted by May 14th. Questions about the program and requests for the GIS cheat sheet can be directed to
WOODLAND HEIGHTS NTMP PROJECT Public Meeting Rescheduled For April 24th. /
We received notification from the office of CM Cisneros that the city has has released the date & time for the 3rd public meeting about the NTMP project in WH.
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Time: 7:00 ‐ 8:00 P.M.
Place: Travis Elementary School (Multi‐Purpose Room)
3311 Beauchamp
Houston, TX 77009
The city is mailing a notification to all residents. The mailing includes; a letter announcing the meeting, an annotated map of the project with a summary of the before & after project traffic count data.
It also includes a comment card. Residents will be able to submit comments by mail and online for 14 days after the meeting.
City of Houston NTMP Meeting To Be Rescheduled /
The most recent WHCA newsletter included an article updating residents about the status of the City's NTMP* project in Woodland Heights. That article made reference to a public meeting that was planned for Tuesday, March 27th.
We have been informed by the city that the meeting is to be rescheduled for some time in early April. The city will mail residents an official meeting announcement when the new date & location are known.
*Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
Traffic Program Update /
Thank you to everybody who took the time to submit comments to the city regarding the proposed Traffic Management plan. Upon review of all of the comments submitted to the City, Mr. Weatherford, Director of PWE, has determined that there is sufficient justification for the neighborhood to remain in the program. City engineers will draft a new modified plan based upon your comments and the City will invite all neighbors to a new public meeting once the plan is ready for public viewing. No timeline has been given for when that new meeting could occur.
Questions or comments? Contact WHCA Infrastructure, Phil Teague.
City of Houston Traffic Meeting June 13, 2016 – Video /
Accident at Bayland and Morrison /
An accident involving a car and motorcycle occurred at the intersection of Bayland and Morrison on Friday, May 20th around 8 PM. Both drivers were taken away by ambulance. The WHCA, through the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan, has proposed a traffic circle for this precise intersection to encourage drivers in both directions to be more aware.
Photograph by Woodland Heights resident Cindy Wilson.
Woodland Heights Revised Neighborhood Traffic Calming Plan /
The traffic calming plan uses two devices: speed cushions and traffic circles. These devices would in no way take away from private property or existing city easements. The proposed plan is temporary for a test period of 90 to 210 days. At the conclusion of the test period, another traffic study will be performed to verify that speeds/volumes were reduced on the main streets, and traffic did not shift to other streets.
Read MoreTraffic Management Meeting /
The City is going to hold a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program meeting on February 3rd at 7 PM at the Hogg cafeteria. The City is going to outline the proposed traffic plan for the Woodland Heights, which includes speed cushions and neighborhood traffic circles on Watson, Bayland, Michaux, Beauchamp, Euclid and Pecore. We really need to have strong support for this plan so that the City will move forward with implementing the plan. The first stage of the implementation will involve the installation of temporary devices to gauge their effectiveness on the aforementioned streets, and confirm that traffic is not simply shifted to other streets in the neighborhood. Please make every effort to attend the meeting and ask your neighbors to attend as well.
METRO Buses on Bayland & Watson /
UPDATE 1: Original post was missing the link to the METRO bus route petition. Now added.
UPDATE 2: Added link to petition in favor of keeping current METRO bus routes. Modified text to accommodate new link. Removed infographic.
As was discussed at our last General Meeting, METRO has decided to maintain the current bus route on Bayland and Watson. A large number of residents on Bayland (and elsewhere along the route in the neighborhood) have expressed their desire to have this route moved to the perimeter of the neighborhood. In prior meetings with METRO, some of those residents were left with the impression that METRO would do just that. However, METRO has now confirmed that its plan is to leave the route as it currently exists. So, those residents are starting a petition to bring to METRO before METRO finalizes its route decisions, which will be in early June.
Please review both petitions and make your voice heard.
Petition in favor of keeping current bus routes.
Petition in favor of changing bus routes.
URGENT: I-45 Expansion /
Message from WHCA President
One of the most important issues facing our neighborhood right now is the possible expansion of I-45. TxDOT is accepting comments until May 31 regarding its new, proposed plan. The WHCA is supporting the positions outlined by neighborhood resident Jim Weston and his I-45 Coalition and will be providing comments to I-45 along those lines. I encourage all of our residents to do the same. Please visit the I-45 Coalition's website for more information, and please get your comments in by May 31. Thank you.
Houston Metro to Revise Bus Route Without Input from Neighborhood /
The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (“Metro”) plans to revise the #40 bus route to include the entire segment of Watson St. between Pecore St. and Usener St. Metro has made this change with little to no input from Woodland Heights residents or the Woodland Heights Civic Association (the “WHCA”). The WHCA attended the March 2015 Metro board meeting to raise concerns with the Metro #40 bus route traversing up and down Watson St. Also, Metro had previously advised the WHCA that Metro would not place a bus route on streets with speed bumps—which Watson St. clearly has in place between Teetshorn and Usener. The revised #40 bus route may also interfere with the Woodland Heights neighborhood traffic management plan on Watson St. which is currently in the data gathering stage. Metro is sending a representative to attend the Woodland Heights general meeting on May 12th at 7 PM at Hogg Middle School. Please plan on attending the general meeting to address any concerns with Metro concerning the proposed revised #40 bus route.