11th Street

11th Street Safety Improvements by Alaina Hebert

August 17, 2022 - upcoming virtual public meeting

The project has moved into 100% design. On August 17, 2022 the City of Houston will host a virtual public meeting to share project updates. This will include an exciting opportunity to repave portions of 11th Street, how the repaving (street rehabilitation) will be phased, and phasing construction of the bikeway.

Virtual Meeting Details - https://www.letstalkhouston.org/11th-street-bikeway

When: Wednesday, August 17th at 6:00PM - 7:00PM

Where: Microsoft Teams Live event - https://bit.ly/3P2McBy(External link)

Purpose: share information about 11th Street including upcoming repaving and bikeway construction, timeline and phasing, and answer questions from the community related to these topics.

11th Street Safety improvements by Woodland Heights Civic Association

The WHCA recently submitted this letter of support for 11th Street Safety Improvements.

Let’s Talk Houston!


Houston Bikeways Program

www.houstonbikeplan.org | 832-395-2700 | bikeways@houstontx.gov

Houston Vision Zero

Citywide safe streets effort to end traffic deaths and serious injuries. Provide feedback about traffic safety concerns in your neighborhood. www.visionzerohouston.com


Director of Infrastructure | Brad snead

Email infrastructure@woodland-heights.org or complete the form below to contact.

11th Street Project Update by Lori Bigler

The following message was recently received, offering the status of the 11th Street bike lane project that was discussed at the WHCA General Meeting in March 2019.


We’re pleased to announce that the 11th Street safety project is proceeding into the design phase. Many thanks to all who participated in meetings and provided input so far.

This project will implement safety improvements on 11th Street between Shepherd and Michaux. The new street configuration will consist of 1 vehicle lane and 1 bike lane in each direction with a center lane for making left turns. A pedestrian island will be constructed at the Nicholson Street hike and bike path, to make it safer for people walking and biking across 11th street, and additional pedestrian island locations are being considered as well.

We are excited to bring these roadway improvements to the community, and we are convinced the new configuration with be safer, more efficient and enjoyable for all road users. Construction is estimated to start in Fall 2020 and we will continue to monitor the corridor’s traffic and safety performance after installation.

Your feedback has been integral to this project and it will remain that way during the next three months of the design phase. We look forward to continuing the dialog.

Please follow this link to find out more about the project.

Lauren Grove
Transportation Planner
City of Houston Planning & Development Department
611 Walker Street, 6th Floor
Houston, TX 77002
(832) 393-6550