
The New Faces Of The WHCA Board by Lori Bigler

The past month has seen some changes in the faces on the WHCA board. The current board is comprised of the following officers:

  • William Getschow, President
  • Tyson Greer, President-Elect
  • Carla Reed, VP-Beautification
  • Susan Pennebaker-VP-Secretary
  • Michael Graves, VP-Communications
  • Brad Snead, VP-Security
  • Melissa McKee-VP, Treasurer
  • Giji John-VP, Deed Restrictions
  • Roger Moxley, VP-Membership
  • Matt Johnson-VP-Infrastructure

These officers will serve through March 2017. In March the WHCA will be holding elections to determine the officers for the coming year, which runs through to March 2018.