
Lights in the Heights 2024 Winners by Michael Graves

Lights in the Heights 2024: Call for Porches! by Michael Graves

Dear Byrne, Euclid & 7-1/2 Street Neighbors,

This December, Lights in The Heights (LITH) will be celebrating its 37th year as an annual Holiday Season tradition organized by the Woodland Heights Civic Association. Traditionally scheduled for the second Saturday in December, this year LITH will take place on the evening of December 14th. Byrne, Euclid and 7-1/2 streets are the streets which have been chosen for the official route for LITH this year.

During the celebration your streets will be closed to vehicular traffic so that neighbors, and visitors to our neighborhood, are able to walk these streets while enjoying the lights, decorations and music along the route. As per tradition, outdoor music is allowed from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. that evening and neighbors on the official route are asked if they would like to volunteer their porches to host performers.

We invite to let us know if you would like to volunteer your porch to host performers for this event. The LITH Entertainment Committee has a list of volunteer performers that we can pair up with willing hosts. These performers are volunteering their time and talent at no cost to perform for LITH.

If you prefer to arrange a performer of your own, we ask that you let the committee know as well. Knowing what homes are planning on hosting their own performers will help the committee arrange music to avoid one type of music overshadowing another so all the performers can be enjoyed by everyone walking the official route.

Thank you for supporting LITH!

The LITH Entertainment Committee

2024 LITH - Join The Fun by Michael Graves

Lights in the Heights - Brief History
It all began on December 12, 1987, when the first Lights in the Heights event was held. The streets of Woodland Heights were adorned with 'luminarias', transforming the neighborhood into a magical 'Winter Wonderland '. Residents were invited to join in by adding luminarias to their streets, driveways, and porches, creating a mesmerizing display of light. The event also featured holiday entertainment and refreshments on the Norhill Esplanade, marking the start of a cherished tradition.

According to the WHCA 1989 November December newsletter, that first event drew 20,000 people to the Woodland Heights neighborhood to see the luminarias lighting up the participating streets and homes. The name we have all come to know the event by, "Lights in the Heights," appears to have been added in 1989, a testament to our community's enduring spirit and commitment to creating memorable experiences.

2024 LITH Schedule
This year, on December 14, our neighborhood will hold its 37th Annual Lights in the Heights. This year's featured streets will be Byrne, Euclid, and 7 1/2th Streets. They will be closed to vehicular traffic and become vibrant hubs of community activity. Neighbors and visitors alike are invited to stroll through the illuminated streets and enjoy the vibrant displays and holiday cheer.

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2024 LITH Event Schedule

  • Friday, November 15 - LITH® Bash
    Early Bird Ticket Sales Begin Oct 1st
    Eureka Heights Brewing - 941 W 18th St, Houston, TX 77008

  • Week of December 8 - 12 House Decorating Competition
    Featured streets and nominated homes are eligible to compete

  • Friday, December 13 - Friday Night Lights - Norhill Esplanade
    Neighborhood-only event

  • Saturday, December 14 - Lights in the Heights®
    Featured streets - Byrne, Euclid, and 7 1/2th Streets

What LITH Committee and Volunteers Do
Lights in the Heights is more than just one night of festivities.
There is the annual Ornament/Logo contest, coordination with the City Special Events Office to close certain streets and redirect traffic down adjacent streets for safety, judging homes to award prizes for everything from the Most Wattage to the best holiday-themed, planning and setting up Friday night lights (this event is for residents only), and the big finale of the public Saturday event Lights in the Heights.

Volunteers and neighbors like you donate their time to do all the planning and hard work for this event. Planning for the event begins in the summer and continues up to and after the event itself. The LITH Committee is always looking for neighbors who would like to assist in making sure all the details that go into making this event a success; your involvement is crucial to the success of Lights in the Heights.

Did I mention another item the LITH Committee is responsible for? That would be fundraising to cover the cost of putting on LITH. The annual ornament contest provides the logo for the ornaments, t-shirts, and other merchandise sold through the WHCA store, but additional fundraising is where the Lights in the Heights Bash comes into play.