Travis Elementary

Travis PTA Spooky Scavenger Hunt by Lori Bigler

Looking for something safe and fun for the family this Halloween? Join us for the Travis Frights in the Heights Scavenger Hunt. The event will take place Wednesday, October 28th through Saturday, October 31st at 5pm.

Registration is $20/participant. Each participant will receive a secret coded list of our Haunted Homes, decoder key, list of Halloween clues, clipboard, pen and Frights in the Heights t-shirt. **Must register by Friday, October 16, for t-shirt guarantee.**


Each participant will navigate the mystery in the Woodland Heights neighborhood at their own pace. Put on your thinking cap and don’t forget to wear your Halloween costume. There will be a costume selfie contest and other fun-filled freaky activities to enjoy.

Travis Elementary Girl Scouts are collecting new toys for the Star of Hope “Christmas Toy Store” by Lori Bigler


The Travis Elementary Girl Scouts are collecting new toys for the Star of Hope “Christmas Toy Store” as part of their holiday service project. The Girl Scouts will be on a caroling hayride through the neighborhood to collect donations from your porch from 3-5 pm on Saturday, Dec. 7.

If you would like to donate, please email Melanie Gehman (Girl Scout Leader and WH Resident) at with your address by Thursday, Dec. 5. 

 The Star of Hope is especially in need of baby toys and art supplies for all ages. To learn more about their mission, please visit:

 Thank you for supporting your neighborhood Girl Scouts. We will see you again in January when cookie sales start!

 - Melanie Gehman

What's Happening @ Travis Elementary by Guest User

From Travis Elementary Principal Tom Day:

If you are out and about and see a Travis Tiger showing “grit” – perseverance and determination to keep going, even if at first you do not succeed – make sure to point it out. Displaying grit in the face of difficulty is one of several positive character traits that are being discussed in classrooms at Travis Elementary this year as part of the school’s new character education program, “Tiger Traits.”

On early dismissal days, students and teachers will engage in lessons, activities, and discussion designed to foster a growth mindset and self-esteem while creating opportunities to develop social skills and more bonds among blended peer groups.

“Tiger Traits” combines existing campus practices and programs with new character building lessons and activities to form an aligned school initiative. It creates opportunity for students to build bonds with more of their peers while engaging in thoughtful dialogue about character traits and making connections to behavior and choices.