Jane Nelson and Deb Richardson have lived at 1101 Highland Street since May 1991. They enjoy sitting on their front porch when the weather is good so they can see their front porch and greet neighbors who pass by.
Their garden includes sage, Burford hollies, planted soon after they moved in in 1991, hawthorns, foxtail ferns, dwarf azalea, esperanza, an orange tree that has never given us oranges, amaryllis, liriope edges the beds, and wedelia, which keeps their front easement full of yellow flowers when it's in bloom.
The Amarillys and Oaks on their property hold a special place in Jane and Deb's hearts.
"Our amaryllis plants are from bulbs obtained from Deb's late mother's yard in the early 90s. The amaryllis bloom in the spring each year and have remained prolific in bulb production, so we have been able to pass along bulbs to friends and family."
The Oaks date back a century to the original home's owner. "One great feature of our yard is the stately oaks on the east side along Norhill. We had the good fortune to meet the granddaughter of our home's original owner, who planted the oaks back 100 years ago!"
With the help of a gardener, their yard provides continuous enjoyment for the couple.
"We see bees, butterflies, lizards and squirrels. The squirrels typically ensure that we never have red berries on our hollies. We love ixoras and have tried repeatedly to plant them. Unfortunately, they proved too tropical for our care and were repeatedly killed by freezes. Currently, we have chosen hardier plants, such as the hawthorns and wedelia, as recommended by our gardener."
Deb continued, "We're not at all proficient! Jane's late mother was a Montgomery County Master Gardener who advised us on plant selection and care. Now, however, primary credit goes to our gardener, Hector Rodriguez, who visits every other week."
Deb likes being outdoors and puttering in the yard/garden. Jane enjoys looking at the garden. Deb spends a few hours weekly keeping the yard looking neat. It is maintained primarily by Hector.
"Our current inspiration is a mix of choosing beauty and hardiness! Our favorite plants are the amaryllis because they connect to our loved late mother/ mother-in-law and our past."
Deb concludes by saying, "Being chosen as YOM is a lovely recognition! We're pleased to have been asked!"