William Getschow, President
William Getschow, President through March 31, 2017. William has been a resident of the Woodland Heights since 2006 and a lifelong Houstonian. William has been very active with the July 4th Parade and other Woodland Heights community events over the last few years.
VP Deed Restrictions
We are currently seeking a replacement for Gigi John the current VP Deed Restrictions who will not be continuing in this position after March 31, 2017. This is a very important position in that the VP Deed Restrictions reviews and provides the position of the WHCA as to whether new build or remodel plans meet deed restrictions. The position also coordinates revisions/updates of existing deed restrictions; coordinates new deed restrictions for unrestricted subdivisions; educates neighbors/realtors about the importance of deed restrictions, the role they play in historical integrity and quality of life in your neighborhood. As soon as Gigi’s replacement has been selected we will publish a photo and bio on that person as well.
VP Membership
VP Membership actively seeks ways to increase the WHCA membership by keeping residents informed of what their dues pay for; solicits feedback from residents on ideas to increase membership; coordinates a New Resident Welcoming program and the Block Captain program. Roger Moxley held this position for a portion 2016-17, resigning in early February, not long after preparing the material for this story. The position will remain vacant until board elections in March.