
Woodland Heights Sunshine Hunt by Lori Bigler

This past week there was a Sunshine Hunt in Woodland Heights for anyone who wanted to participate.  The event was to show cheerfulness in this hard time and brighten up our day.  Participants went around and took pictures or counted different suns at houses in the neighborhood.  Everyone was eligible to win a prize at the Sternfel’s house, courtesy of the Woodland Heights Civic Association. 

This hunt was harder than the rainbow hunt because there were fewer suns out, but the suns that we saw were very creative and pretty.  We saw a sun made of papier mache, some paper suns in windows and suns in chalk on the sidewalk.  There was also one made with strings and sticks, like a Tiger’s Eye.  The hunt started April 1 and ended April 5.   We also saw a lot of sidewalk art that brightened up the neighborhood. 

Thank you to everyone who participated and our next hunt is the flower hunt so watch for notices about that coming up soon.

- Grace Lindsay of Lower Morrison Street (LoMo)       

More Rainbow Hunters Reporting by Lori Bigler

Cora and Juliette.jpg

Hi there,

This Cora and Juliette, we are 7 and and 5 years old and we are sisters (our mom is transcribing). We hunted all over the Woodland Heights and we found 107 different houses with rainbows! We looked on Euclid, Norhill, Woodland, Bayland, Byrne, Omar and Merrill plus our street.

Cora’s favorite was 1011 E 7 1/2 St - I liked how many different colors there were and how pretty it was. Juliette’s favorite was 815 Merrill - I liked how big and beautiful it was with all the different colors - my best friend lives there too and she helped make it. Here is a photo of us. We did not hug even though it was hard.

We also submit our house as a runner-up - we live at [address removed] and our rainbow has gold glitter on it. We know everyone loves glitter! We had lots of fun but we missed the prize day. If there are any prizes left will you please let us know?

Cora & Juliette

Melissa Sternfels responds:

Thank you so much for your lovely note, and for taking the rainbow hunt so very seriously. I can first assure you that there are PLENTY of prizes left.

Second, I agree with you about glitter. Everyone loves glitter. And, I hope to see a glittery sun on your house on Wednesday when my daughter I begin our “sunshine” hunt, April 1.

WH Rainbow Hunt-Harper Hatfield Reporting by Lori Bigler

I am Harper Hatfield and I am a 9 year old 4th grader at Travis Elementary.

Last week, some brilliant people organized a rainbow scavenger hunt to spread a little cheer around the neighborhood during this dark time. You can enjoy this event by riding a bike, driving around in the car or even just taking a stroll down the street! This is a great experience to have fun with our community and see everyone’s amazing art work while still being safe and socially distanced. 

It was so exciting to see all of the different rainbows the kids created and displayed. We spotted painted rainbows, crayon rainbows, flag rainbows, sidewalk chalk rainbows and even a pinata rainbow! But, my mom and my favorite was definitely the rainbow made of streamers, with Kermit the Frog sitting on a balcony and holding a poster that said “the lovers, the dreamers and me” (pictured above.)

It was the perfect excuse to pull my mom and myself out of the house, get some fresh air, exercise and see our beautiful neighborhood. I had so much fun making my rainbow art so I can’t wait to see what’s in store for next time!

Thank you!

Harper Hatfield
Morrison St.
Woodland Heights

Great Rainbow Hunt Official Rules by Lori Bigler


First: observe all safety guidelines, and safe social distancing at all times. You know what to do. (In other words, don’t be getting us into trouble with Mayor Sylvester, County Judge Lina or Principal Day!)

Second: walk, skip, ride, scooter, saunter, skate or stroll your way through our neighborhood, keeping track of how many Rainbows you can find (within the boundaries of the Woodland Heights, which is generally I-10 to the South, Studewood to the West, Pecore to the North and I-45 to the East). 

Third: if you didn’t take a picture, did it really happen? Take lots of photos! And if you are into that whole social media thing, please tag us!

Fourth: once have finished your Great Rainbow Hunt, please email the WHCA at or, better yet, post on our Facebook page at Please tell us who was in your search party, the total number of Rainbows your search party found, and the address(es) of your very favorite Rainbows. Please also include any photographs that we can share.

Fifth: at all times, at all times, be aware of your surroundings and again, please pretty please be safe. Also see, Official Rule 1, above. 

FINALLY: You are a winner! Collect your family’s prize from the purple bucket on the porch at 714 Euclid (March 25 through the 30th, and until we run out) generally between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm OR, please let us know your address for prize drop off. 

***Note that all prizes were pre-packaged and have also been placed in paper bags, by gloved hands. Before handling, please take all appropriate measures to ensure both your and your family’s safety. Again, see Rule 1.***

The City of Houston’s COVID safety guidelines can be found here:

The CDC’s COVID guidelines can be found here:

Introducing The Great Rainbow Hunt by Lori Bigler

Following from the success of the city-wide ☘️Shamrock Hunt☘️, the Woodland Heights Civic Association cordially invites you and your family to participate in the 🌈 Great Rainbow Hunt!


Similar to the Shamrock Hunt, neighbors are asked to place a rainbow (or two, or three, or twenty) of their choosing, in their windows, on or before Tuesday, March 24th.

🌈Paint it. 🌈Color it. 🌈Print it out. 🌈Macrame it. Whatever! Then, on Wednesday, March 25th, the 🌈 Great Rainbow Hunt will begin.

Additional details will follow, including how YOU or YOUR FAMILY can win a prize for locating the most 🌈s (within the boundaries of the Woodland Heights Civic Association).

Also, be on the lookout for the WHCA’s announcement of a neighborhood-wide scavenger hunt, which will be aimed at our younger neighbors, as well as the upcoming 🌞Great Sunshine Hunt, the 🌼 Great Flower Hunt, and other family-friendly-social-distancing-activities.

Questions? And, if you aren’t already a WHCA member, please consider joining us by visiting our website at

P.S. - an easy way to add rainbows to your home is to use these Rainbow Windows Clings, available on

Seeking Volunteers for Home Tour 2020 by Lori Bigler

The Home Tour Committee is seeking volunteers to work as docents the weekend of Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29. Docents guide tour-goers through their assigned home. Docent Shifts are three hours long; noon to three and 3 to 6. It’s very easy to do and it’s fun.

Volunteers will be given a ticket to the home tour so they can see the other homes.

Registration Ending Soon for Minute Maid Grand Slam For Youth Baseball! by Lori Bigler


Boys and Girls Ages 4 - 18
No experience necessary

Minute Maid Grand Slam For Youth Baseball is a community outreach partnership of the Houston Astros, the Astros Foundation, and Minute Maid. Team shirts, baseball caps, and baseball supplies for league and instructional play are provided.

Houston Parks and Recreation Department staff organizes and oversees league play or instructional play opportunities based on number of youth registered at each site. Parents: Volunteer coaches are needed. Training is provided. Please complete Volunteer Application at your closest Community Center.

  • Registration: January 2 - February 14, 2020

  • Locations: HPARD Community Centers, visit for locations

  • Ages: 4 - 18

  • Cost: Free

  • Program Dates: February 24 - April 4, 2020

  • Times: Weekdays after-school and Saturdays

  • More Info: 832-395-7261

FWP: Wild & Scenic Film Festival by Lori Bigler

The Citizens’ Environmental Coalition has connected individuals and organizations within the Greater Houston environmental community for almost 50 years. On January 28 & 29, join the Friends of Woodland Park at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour, hosted by the CEC. At the River Oaks Theater, enjoy two nights of different, short films. We especially think you'll like the movie A New View of the Moon, which reminds us why dark, unobstructed skies and a sense of curiosity are important. Tickets and sponsorships available at

Lights in the Heights 2019 Winning Homes by Lori Bigler

The LITH judging committee toured the route the evening of Thursday, Dec 12 with the help of Jeff Trevino and his open-air art-mobile. The following are this year’s award winning homes:

  1. Most Colorful - 1020 East 7th

  2. Most Festive - 412 Highland

  3. Most Creative - 402 Omar

  4. Most Wattage - 946 Highland

  5. Most Religious - 616 Highland

  6. Best Theme - 803 Omar

  7. Best Single Color - 937 Omar

  8. Most Traditional - 714 Merrill

  9. Most Historical - 949 Omar

  10. Pick of the Night - 903 Highland

  11. Ho-Ho-Ho - 405 Highland

  12. Most Crafty* - 917 Omar

  13. Best Porch - 823 Omar

  14. Best Inflatables - 909 Highland

  15. Best Block - 400 block of Highland

  16. Kids Choice* - 904 Omar

  17. Most Edible* - 501 Euclid

  18. Most Patriotic Christmas* - 602 Highland

  19. Best Not Quite A Block* - 3000 block of Beauchamp

  20. Most Mystical* - 1021 Omar

  21. Most Existential* - 910 Omar

  22. Rookie of the Year* - 710 Redan

  23. Best Use of The Force* - 304 Bayland

400 Block of Highland: Best Block Panaramic Photo (click to see larger.)

Houses are either on the official route or nominated by neighbors for consideration. The judges start out with a list of categories that have been used for years, but have the ability to name ad hoc categories* based upon what they find on their tour.

Last year marked the first time the judges saw neighbors loft light strings that spanned the roadway for an entire block. It was part of what made everyone Feel The Byrne, winning them Best Block. This year the neighbors on the 400 block of Highland took the lesson, and to good effect. Does this mean that this is the new normal?

Best Not-Quite-A-Block: 3300 Beauchamp (click to see larger.)

Also, this editor would like to add one more. While not officially recognized by the judges, 406 Byrne with its “Santa 2020” theme deserves special recognition. In fact, the judges generally agreed that the 400 block of Byrne, while quite distant from the official route, still brought their A-game.

All photos by Michael Graves. Most taken using Google Pixel using “Night Sight.”

LITH Merchandise Pickup by Lori Bigler

LITH 2019 T-Shirt Womens.jpg

Did you miss picking up your LITH merchandise last Friday? If you were unable to pick-up your pre-ordered Lights in the Heights merchandise last Friday, additional pick-up dates are December 16, 18 and 19, from 2:30 until 6:30, at 529 Omar Street, or by appointment —call Beth Brock at 713-569-9277 to schedule.

Reminder: Guests who need a ride to WH for LITH can get a Lyft discount by Lori Bigler

Lyft Banner 2019.jpg

For the second year in a row, we are proud to partner with Lyft to help you get to and from Lights in the Heights safely. Share the promo code LIGHTSRIDE with your friends and party guests, and they will receive 50% off two (2) rides (up to $4 per ride) during Lights in the Heights. Otherwise, very limited parking is available in the neighborhood, including at Vineyard Church, Zion Church (fee applies), Woodland Park, and Stude Park.

Lyft Party Host Program by Lori Bigler

** Note that the deadline for this program has now passed **

Lyft is also generously offering a Woodland Heights Resident / Party Host Program for those hosting parties or residing in the neighborhood. Lyft will provide up to 50 households a set of exclusive promo codes to be shared with their friends, family and party guests.

Residents must opt-in to the program, at which point they will be contacted by Lyft with instructions and codes. Lyft will be donating a portion of the proceeds from every ride to the WHCA in support of the neighborhood!

This promotion includes the following:

  • Each WH resident will receive 10 promo codes

  • Each promo code is valid for $15 in ride credit (up to $7.50 on 2 rides)

  • Valid Friday, December 13 at 12:00pm until Sunday, December 15 at 12:00pm

If you wish to participate, please visit the link below and enter code lyftlights.

Lights in the Heights Judging by Lori Bigler

The team of judges tour the neighborhood on Jeff Trevino’s unmistakable art car.

The team of judges tour the neighborhood on Jeff Trevino’s unmistakable art car.

Each year, the LITH committee hands out awards for a range of decorating categories, from most wattage to most traditional. This year judges will be rolling down the route the evening of Thursday, December 12th. Make sure to have your decorations lit!

If you’re ON the route, you’re automatically in the running. If you’re OFF the route, nominate your home (or a neighbor’s) by emailing so the judges know to include you in the competition.

Good luck to you all!

Get your LITH merchandise before it's gone! by Lori Bigler

Hello friends and neighbors,

The cool weather is here, reminding us that the holidays, and thus Lights in the Heights®, are just around the corner!

NOW is time to purchase your official 2019 Lights in the Heights merchandise, before online sales close on December 8 at midnight!

We have a brand new hand-crafted cloisonné ORNAMENT for 2019. (Did you know this year's logo was designed by Oli Bayse, a middle school student in Hogg's graphic design program?)


We have T-SHIRTS this year! They come in a 50/50 cotton/poly blend in both men's and ladies' sizes. 


And back by popular demand is the Woodland Heights ceramic COOKIE JAR. (It would make such a great gift!)


We also have party ESSENTIALS like cocktail napkins, aprons, private party signs, and MORE. 

Quantities are LIMITED, so go online now to reserve yours!

ALL merchandise will be available for pickup at Friday Night Lights on the Norhill Esplanade on December 13, from 5-9pm.

Thanks for supporting LITH and WH!

Melissa and Beth, merchandise co-chairs

Need Holiday Decorating Help? by Lori Bigler

Live along the Lights in the Heights route and would love to light up the night with your home, but untangling light strings gives you nightmares? Or, more seriously, age, injury or illness makes decorating a challenge? Santa’s elves, otherwise known as the LITH committee, may be able to help.


Volunteers will again be providing assistance to those who can’t do the decorating themselves. Send an email to to be considered. Please indicate if you have lights or need them supplied. Also send us a message if you have extra lights or other decorations you’d like to donate, or if you’re willing to help with the decorating.