Yard-of-the-Month: 1133 East 6 1/2th Street by Lori Bigler

Our Holiday/January yard of the month honors 1133 E 6½ Street, home to Chris Waggoner and Mary Vasquez for more than 20 years, and certainly recognizable to anyone who travels via Studewood regularly.  

Occupying the corner of 6½ Street and Studewood, their statue of a lovely figure on point, lofting a light above their yard’s entrance, also serves as a beacon to anyone returning home to the Heights through here. In Decembers it wears a festive red and white robe, but I always look forward to seeing how Chris and Mary dress it up for other holidays too. And, of course, all the figures along their second floor balcony, just for fun!
Their stretch along Studewood is made lively with mature oaks, crape myrtles, and an abundance of lantana. Then honeysuckle blooms orange on their short fence, lavender in front, and pops of yellow on the tall fence from giant leopard plant. New Maui ixora have replaced azaleas to accompany foxtail ferns, rangoon, lavandula and lily of the Nile. 
Thank you Chris and Mary for always bringing smiles and whimsy to our neighborhood!”
- Stephanie Riceman, Dir of Beautification

Announcing the Woodland Heights 100+ Club by Lori Bigler

100+ Club Sign Original Art.png

The 100+ Club is a recognition of the oldest homes in our neighborhood as we enter the new decade. One hundred years ago, the Woodland Heights was only 13 years old, having been established in 1907 by William Wilson.

The oldest and most historic homes in our neighborhood are primarily located on the east side of our neighborhood in the original Woodland Heights section. However, there was a significant building boom in 1920's and we have many homes that can claim 1920 as their birth year thus reaching the venerable age of 100 in 2020.

Much of the charm of our neighborhood comes from these older homes. As we arrive at this decade marker, the WHCA will be providing a special recognition of our neighborhood’s oldest homes in conjunction with our annual membership drive.

100+ Club Sign in a yard.jpg

The WHCA has created a yard sign (pictured above) to designate homes that have achieved 100 years or more. This sign is available at no cost to owners of such homes when they choose to join WHCA with an auto renewing membership.

If you are a current member (but not auto-renewal) you can purchase a sign for $15 by contacting Debbie Hall who will deliver your sign and collect payment. 

Part of the charm of our neighborhood is the architecture and age of bungalows and Queen Anne’s. WHCA sees 2020 as a good time to recognize our homes that have achieved this distinction.

- Debbie Hall, WHCA Historic Homes Committee

FWP: Wild & Scenic Film Festival by Lori Bigler

The Citizens’ Environmental Coalition has connected individuals and organizations within the Greater Houston environmental community for almost 50 years. On January 28 & 29, join the Friends of Woodland Park at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour, hosted by the CEC. At the River Oaks Theater, enjoy two nights of different, short films. We especially think you'll like the movie A New View of the Moon, which reminds us why dark, unobstructed skies and a sense of curiosity are important. Tickets and sponsorships available at cechouston.org.

Creature Feature: Hummingbirds by Lori Bigler

Click to play.

I know this isn't seasonally appropriate. Consider it an attack on the potential for seasonal affective disorder. Hummingbirds always brighten the day.

As I pointed out in the final bits of the November newsletter, I've been sitting on some video of hummingbirds. This was shot in our yard in September as the wee-winged-wonders made their fall migration to South America. In the spring we saw only a few of the little birds, but in fall was saw perhaps a dozen. We keep six hummingbird feeders in the yard to attract the little creatures. We have also planted some of their favorite comestibles.

I'm interested in how to photograph and record the little birds. The video from which the above frame was taken was shot with a Logitech Rally 4K PTZ camera. It's a glorified webcam intended for video conference use. It did a decent job capturing the action at a feeder mounted on on front porch, at least until the afternoon sun overtook the image sensor. This 3 minute clip was extracted from about four hours of continuous recording.

When the little birds return in the spring I hope to have some way to record them at a high-frame rate, so we can slow down their movement for closer study.

If you share our fascination with the little birds, you might also appreciate the Cornell University Birdcams. They include a West Texas location that's known for its hummingbirds.

New TxDOT Report on I-45: Public Comment Open Through 1/10/20 by Lori Bigler

The following is excerpted from the District H Weekly News on 12/19/2019.

“Learn about the biggest takeaways for the Preferred Alternative I-45 design based on TxDOT's newly updated draft of the Community Impacts Assessment Technical Report by visiting this link. Be sure to respond to TxDOT during the public comment period by 1/10/19. Read Council Member Cisneros' letter to TxDOT requesting an extension of the deadline for public comment on the new draft here.”

Lights in the Heights 2019 Winning Homes by Lori Bigler

The LITH judging committee toured the route the evening of Thursday, Dec 12 with the help of Jeff Trevino and his open-air art-mobile. The following are this year’s award winning homes:

  1. Most Colorful - 1020 East 7th

  2. Most Festive - 412 Highland

  3. Most Creative - 402 Omar

  4. Most Wattage - 946 Highland

  5. Most Religious - 616 Highland

  6. Best Theme - 803 Omar

  7. Best Single Color - 937 Omar

  8. Most Traditional - 714 Merrill

  9. Most Historical - 949 Omar

  10. Pick of the Night - 903 Highland

  11. Ho-Ho-Ho - 405 Highland

  12. Most Crafty* - 917 Omar

  13. Best Porch - 823 Omar

  14. Best Inflatables - 909 Highland

  15. Best Block - 400 block of Highland

  16. Kids Choice* - 904 Omar

  17. Most Edible* - 501 Euclid

  18. Most Patriotic Christmas* - 602 Highland

  19. Best Not Quite A Block* - 3000 block of Beauchamp

  20. Most Mystical* - 1021 Omar

  21. Most Existential* - 910 Omar

  22. Rookie of the Year* - 710 Redan

  23. Best Use of The Force* - 304 Bayland

400 Block of Highland: Best Block Panaramic Photo (click to see larger.)

Houses are either on the official route or nominated by neighbors for consideration. The judges start out with a list of categories that have been used for years, but have the ability to name ad hoc categories* based upon what they find on their tour.

Last year marked the first time the judges saw neighbors loft light strings that spanned the roadway for an entire block. It was part of what made everyone Feel The Byrne, winning them Best Block. This year the neighbors on the 400 block of Highland took the lesson, and to good effect. Does this mean that this is the new normal?

Best Not-Quite-A-Block: 3300 Beauchamp (click to see larger.)

Also, this editor would like to add one more. While not officially recognized by the judges, 406 Byrne with its “Santa 2020” theme deserves special recognition. In fact, the judges generally agreed that the 400 block of Byrne, while quite distant from the official route, still brought their A-game.

All photos by Michael Graves. Most taken using Google Pixel using “Night Sight.”

LITH Merchandise Pickup by Lori Bigler

LITH 2019 T-Shirt Womens.jpg

Did you miss picking up your LITH merchandise last Friday? If you were unable to pick-up your pre-ordered Lights in the Heights merchandise last Friday, additional pick-up dates are December 16, 18 and 19, from 2:30 until 6:30, at 529 Omar Street, or by appointment —call Beth Brock at 713-569-9277 to schedule.

Reminder: Guests who need a ride to WH for LITH can get a Lyft discount by Lori Bigler

Lyft Banner 2019.jpg

For the second year in a row, we are proud to partner with Lyft to help you get to and from Lights in the Heights safely. Share the promo code LIGHTSRIDE with your friends and party guests, and they will receive 50% off two (2) rides (up to $4 per ride) during Lights in the Heights. Otherwise, very limited parking is available in the neighborhood, including at Vineyard Church, Zion Church (fee applies), Woodland Park, and Stude Park.

Lyft Party Host Program by Lori Bigler

** Note that the deadline for this program has now passed **

Lyft is also generously offering a Woodland Heights Resident / Party Host Program for those hosting parties or residing in the neighborhood. Lyft will provide up to 50 households a set of exclusive promo codes to be shared with their friends, family and party guests.

Residents must opt-in to the program, at which point they will be contacted by Lyft with instructions and codes. Lyft will be donating a portion of the proceeds from every ride to the WHCA in support of the neighborhood!

This promotion includes the following:

  • Each WH resident will receive 10 promo codes

  • Each promo code is valid for $15 in ride credit (up to $7.50 on 2 rides)

  • Valid Friday, December 13 at 12:00pm until Sunday, December 15 at 12:00pm

If you wish to participate, please visit the link below and enter code lyftlights.


Lights in the Heights Judging by Lori Bigler

The team of judges tour the neighborhood on Jeff Trevino’s unmistakable art car.

The team of judges tour the neighborhood on Jeff Trevino’s unmistakable art car.

Each year, the LITH committee hands out awards for a range of decorating categories, from most wattage to most traditional. This year judges will be rolling down the route the evening of Thursday, December 12th. Make sure to have your decorations lit!

If you’re ON the route, you’re automatically in the running. If you’re OFF the route, nominate your home (or a neighbor’s) by emailing robyn.klepper@nadel.com so the judges know to include you in the competition.

Good luck to you all!

Get your LITH merchandise before it's gone! by Lori Bigler

Hello friends and neighbors,

The cool weather is here, reminding us that the holidays, and thus Lights in the Heights®, are just around the corner!

NOW is time to purchase your official 2019 Lights in the Heights merchandise, before online sales close on December 8 at midnight!

We have a brand new hand-crafted cloisonné ORNAMENT for 2019. (Did you know this year's logo was designed by Oli Bayse, a middle school student in Hogg's graphic design program?)


We have T-SHIRTS this year! They come in a 50/50 cotton/poly blend in both men's and ladies' sizes. 


And back by popular demand is the Woodland Heights ceramic COOKIE JAR. (It would make such a great gift!)


We also have party ESSENTIALS like cocktail napkins, aprons, private party signs, and MORE. 

Quantities are LIMITED, so go online now to reserve yours!


ALL merchandise will be available for pickup at Friday Night Lights on the Norhill Esplanade on December 13, from 5-9pm.

Thanks for supporting LITH and WH!

Melissa and Beth, merchandise co-chairs

Need Holiday Decorating Help? by Lori Bigler

Live along the Lights in the Heights route and would love to light up the night with your home, but untangling light strings gives you nightmares? Or, more seriously, age, injury or illness makes decorating a challenge? Santa’s elves, otherwise known as the LITH committee, may be able to help.


Volunteers will again be providing assistance to those who can’t do the decorating themselves. Send an email to lightsintheheights@gmail.com to be considered. Please indicate if you have lights or need them supplied. Also send us a message if you have extra lights or other decorations you’d like to donate, or if you’re willing to help with the decorating.

Calling all Bakers! by Lori Bigler


LITH committee needs volunteers to help with cookie baking! This long-standing tradition provides cookies to the houses that volunteer their porches for the night’s live entertainment along the route.

Whether you can provide one dozen, five dozen, or more: be a part of the tradition. Cookies will need to be delivered between Dec. 12th and 13th. Please email robyn.klepper@nadel.com to volunteer or for more details.

Friday Night Lights 2019 by Lori Bigler

Kick off your Lights in the Heights weekend at Friday Night Lights on Friday, December 13 from 5:00 - 9:00 pm on Norhill Esplanade. At this festive event, neighbors can gather around the campfire and toast marshmallows or enjoy dinner from a local food truck under the glow of Jurassic Christmas displays.

Lights in the Heights merchandise will be on sale all night, so be sure to grab your private party signs and keepsakes. Some of our generous sponsors will also be at the event to spread the holiday cheer.

Enjoy the lights around the neighborhood by hopping on the famed hayride, starting at 5:30. Children can take part in a 30-year old neighborhood tradition at the craft tent and decorate a luminaria. And while you are enjoying all the fun, keep your ear out for sleigh bells because Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive at 6:30.

To give back as a neighborhood, Woodland Heights will host a toy drive in coordination with the Lights in the Heights festivities. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to the Norhill Esplanade on Friday, December 13 from 5-9 pm. There will be large donation boxes with the Operation: Stocking Stuffer logo for your gift.

To volunteer to help with FNL please contact katie.m.mccafferty@gmail.com.