Do your friends need a Lyft to Lights in the Heights? by Lori Bigler

For the second year in a row, we are proud to partner with Lyft to help you get to and from Lights in the Heights safely. Share the promo code LIGHTSRIDE with your friends and party guests, and they will receive 50% off two (2) rides (up to $4 per ride) during Lights in the Heights. Otherwise, very limited parking is available in the neighborhood, including at Vineyard Church, Zion Church (fee applies), Hogg Middle School (fee applies), Woodland Park, and Stude Park.

Party Host Program

*** Note that the deadline for this program has now passed ***

Lyft is also generously offering a Woodland Heights Resident / Party Host Program for those hosting parties or residing in the neighborhood. Lyft will provide up to 50 households a set of exclusive promo codes to be shared with their friends, family and party guests.

Residents must opt-in to the program, at which point they will be contacted by Lyft with instructions and codes. Lyft will be donating a portion of the proceeds from every ride to the WHCA in support of the neighborhood!

This promotion includes the following:

  • Each WH resident will receive 10 promo codes

  • Each promo code is valid for $15 in ride credit (up to $7.50 on 2 rides)

  • Valid Friday, December 13 at 12:00pm until Sunday, December 15 at 12:00pm

If you wish to participate, please visit the link below and enter code lyftlights.

Hot Coco.jpg

Lyft Hot Chocolate Station

A Lyft hot chocolate truck will be on the Norhill Esplanade during the event from approximately 5:00-9:00 pm (or while supplies last). Visitors who show a Lyft receipt reflecting a ride to Lights in the Heights will receive one (1) free hot chocolate. For those without a Lyft receipt, hot chocolate can be purchased with a $2 cash donation, which will go directly to WHCA.

Lights in the Heights Bike Parking, A.K.A. Bike Valet by Lori Bigler


To get around traffic, encourage your friends and guests to leave their cars at home and arrive by bicycle to enjoy Lights in the Heights. BikeHouston will be providing free monitored bike parking on the Norhill esplanade at Bayland Street starting at 6:00 pm and ending at 9:00 pm Saturday December 14, 2019.

Bike valet is for visitors on bikes who want to experience Lights in the Heights on foot. It’s simple. Your friends and guests can ride their bikes to the Norhill esplanade at Bayland Street. Volunteers will check their bike in and provide a claim check.

Make sure your guests pick up their bikes before 9:00 pm when BikeHouston packs up and goes home.

Travis Elementary Girl Scouts are collecting new toys for the Star of Hope “Christmas Toy Store” by Lori Bigler


The Travis Elementary Girl Scouts are collecting new toys for the Star of Hope “Christmas Toy Store” as part of their holiday service project. The Girl Scouts will be on a caroling hayride through the neighborhood to collect donations from your porch from 3-5 pm on Saturday, Dec. 7.

If you would like to donate, please email Melanie Gehman (Girl Scout Leader and WH Resident) at with your address by Thursday, Dec. 5. 

 The Star of Hope is especially in need of baby toys and art supplies for all ages. To learn more about their mission, please visit:

 Thank you for supporting your neighborhood Girl Scouts. We will see you again in January when cookie sales start!

 - Melanie Gehman

Remembering the 2019 Holiday Masquerade Bash by Lori Bigler

We had a fantastic turnout for this year’s Lights in the Heights Holiday Masquerade Bash on Friday, October 25. From ticket sales, auction items, and sponsorships, the Bash brought in over $43,000! About $13,000 alone were from the silent and live auction. What a wonderful turnout and a wonderful fundraising event!

It was a beautiful, cool evening at 1111 Studewood where we enjoyed the amazing Houston cityscape from the rooftop balcony. Friends and neighbors enjoyed food and drinks graciously donated by our favorite neighborhood establishments. Helen in the Heights and BCK donated food. Sonoma Wine Bar, Eureka Heights Brewery, and Christian’s Tailgate donated wine, beer, and bottled water. This event would not have been possible without these tremendous donors.

Several individuals and local businesses donated silent auction items, and the evening concluded with a live auction hosted by Johnny Holloway.

Special thank you to the Bash Co-chairs: Karen Stowers, Ashley Allison, Lynette Crocker, Shoshana Jackofsky, and Lauren Snead. Their hard work and organization of the event and the auction made this a successful event. An additional thank you to Ward & Susan Pennebaker, Beth Allen-Brock, Melissa McKee, Greg Stowers, Michael Graves & Estella Espinosa for your expertise and assistance in making this event possible.

Lastly, thank you to all of our neighbors and friends who came out to support Lights in the Heights!
- Lauren Snead, Auction Co-Chair

WHCA Membership & Constable Patrol Subscriptions by Lori Bigler

Harry McMahon, President, addressing the November WHCA General Meeting

Harry McMahon, President, addressing the November WHCA General Meeting

At the most recent Woodland Heights Civic Association General Meeting, the Board of Directors announced a significant change in the way we take payments for subscriptions for both WHCA Membership and WHCA Constable Patrol. For those of you who did not brave the unseasonably cold weather that night, I would like to reiterate that announcement.

Commencing immediately, those who sign-up for WHCA membership and/or the Constable Patrol Program via our website can select a one-time transaction or an annually auto-renewing subscription. The auto-renewing option ensures your WHCA membership and/or support of the Constable Patrol Program never lapses.

Current WHCA memberships and CP subscriptions will expire on March March 31, 2020. You can renew online at the WHCA store or send a check to:

Woodland Heights Civic Association
P.O. Box 7754
Houston, Texas 77270-7754

If you are not a current subscriber, all you have to do is go to the WHCA online store and subscribe (auto-renewing or one-year.) You can also make your payment by mail.

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign....
Now for the tough part… delivery of Constable Patrol signs and sign stickers. As a Board, we have struggled in getting the stickers delivered. However, we are working diligently and have made excellent strides in getting the existing signs updated. If you have not had your active subscription sticker delivered and if you would like to pick-up your sticker, send an email request to Kelly Hare at She will put a sticker for you in a specifically designated mailbox at her home.

For those subscribers who don’t have a sign, we have ordered new signs and will deliver them as soon as we can.

I am in the process of updating our subscriber database and need your help. If you have paid for Constable Patrol and don’t have a 2019 sticker for your old sign or don’t have a sign, please let me know. You can email me at

I want to thank all the Woodland Heights residents who have subscribed to the Constable Patrol or enrolled in the Woodland Heights Civic Association. The Constable Patrol is 100% funded by subscriber dues. Constable Patrol dues fund the Constable Patrol only; nothing else. The more folks who subscribe, the better patrol coverage we can fund.

I also want Membership subscribers to know we use the funds from dues to support many efforts around the neighborhood. Beautification, deed restriction support, infrastructure issues, neighborhood involvement events and civic awareness are all issues we regularly and ardently champion.

Please be involved. Please be a Member. We can all help to move our wonderful neighborhood forward with your support.

- Harry McMahon, President
Woodland Heights Civic Association

WHCA November General Meeting by Lori Bigler

Tuesday, November 12th at 7pm
in the library at Travis Elementary School
3311 Beauchamp Street

LITH 2019_RGB black banner registered trademark.png

The highlight of the agenda for this week's meeting is as follows:

The leadership of the Lights in the Heights committee will give an update on their status. This includes a look back at the Holiday Masquerade Bash, auction results, etc. Also, a look forward at events planned for December.

The LITH merchandise team will be there taking orders for great LITH goodies.


Mr. Tom King of will introduce their effort to start the first cohousing community in Houston. What is cohousing you ask? Please check their website: Also check out the national site:


As usual, there will also be updates from the WHCA board of directors and (possibly) other committees.


Constable Patrol: If you need a sticker for your Constable Patrol sign, you can pick it up at the meeting.

WHCA Membership: You can also sign-up for the constable patrol or renew your WHCA membership in-person.


Reminder: WHCA Secretary Alaina Hebert is leading a new effort to encourage the proper recycling of batteries and consumer electronics items with batteries inside. Following the guidelines offered at, items will be collected at WHCA General Meetings.

Bring your old cell phones and batteries, so they can be properly recycled.

We hope to see you there!

Woodland Heights Stats from Crime (October 2019) by Lori Bigler

The following is the monthly report issued by for Woodland Heights, for the period of October 1 to 31st, 2019.

Your CrimeReports alert for the period: Oct 01, 2019 — Oct 31, 2019. This update includes all incidents added to the map since the last update you received.

Note: Alert areas are calculated using a standard-sized monitor. Depending on the size of your browser window, you may see a different number of incidents when you click the "map incidents" link.

Location: Woodland Heights

Oct 01, 2019 — Oct 31, 2019

13 Incidents





Property Crimes

Breaking & Entering
Property Crime
Theft from Vehicle
Theft of Vehicle

Violent Crimes


Are you a member of the WHCA Constable Patrol Program? The presence of the Harris County Precinct One Constables on patrol in the neighborhood reduces response times dramatically when an incident is reported.

LITH Merchandise: An all-time favorite is back! by Lori Bigler

An all-time favorite is back!  This year’s Tree Ornament is hand-made of cloisonné and has golden bells surrounded by holiday lights.  Order one for your collection today—they usually sell out before Lights in the Heights!

Back by popular demand is the Woodland Heights cookie jar!  The 10” ceramic jar is glazed white, with the Woodland Heights Blue Tile Logo and the words “Since 1907”. This popular jar will be a great year-round addition to your kitchen.

Pre-order these LITH items and more:  


Yard-of-the-Month: 823 Ridge by Lori Bigler

The corner at Julian and Ridge has been a mystery to me for several years, so I was happy to meet Gene and Chris Feronti, who have raised their family adjacent to the corner since 1984, and began this 'Orphan Garden' ten years ago!

It started as a blank slate and a couple donations of yucca and agave cacti when a friend and neighbor's succulent sprouted seedlings. The trans-plantings took off! They managed a variety of random donations from neighbors and written-off dumpster or discount finds of succulents, grasses, and flowering beauties into an inspired design. Their yuccas are peacefully at home here, standing tall, spines shimmering in a breeze, with a symmetry that snaps back when the air is calm again. The heat and periodic droughts agree with them as the garden thrives without irrigation!

Their Orphan Garden includes:

  • yucca

  • agave

  • prickly pear

  • sago palm

  • asparagus fern

  • firecracker bush

  • Mexican petunia

  • daylilies

  • nandina

  • mother of thousands

  • native Texas grasses

  • and a rich jasmine and monkey grass ground cover

A variety of trees and bushes too:

  • camphor

  • pecan

  • oleander

  • crepe myrtle

Stroll by this peaceful bend at Ridge and Julian and let the calm set in. Thank you to the Ferontis for sharing their yard with us!

- Stephanie Riceman, Dir of Beautification

Heights Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry: Doing Good in Woodland Heights by Lori Bigler


The Heights Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry, located at 3523 Beauchamp, serves our neighbors in need and is a great place to give back to the community right around the corner!

  • We just celebrated our 10th anniversary. Since opening, we've served more than 44,000 families and 166,000 individuals.

  • We are 100% supported by donations & volunteers.

  • We are supported by 6 member churches, as well as many business and individuals, which include:

    • Member churches:  Zion Lutheran, St. Mark's Methodist, Christ the King Catholic, St. Andrew's Episcopal, The Vineyard, and the Church at 1548 Heights

    • Stores / Organizations:  Second Servings of Houston, FruitShare Houston, The Kolache Shoppe on Heights Blvd, Panera Bread, Kroger

    • Community support:  Corporate groups, school & scouting groups, neighbors

  • In 2018 our volunteers served more than 5700 hours. 

To learn more about how you can help, visit or call/text 832-478-5444 


We are a client-choice food pantry, allowing clients to select non-perishable items (canned goods, rice & beans), as well as fresh bread, eggs, produce, frozen meat, and some toiletries. We are open twice a week, and are centrally located in the Heights: 3523 Beauchamp, 77009. We ask clients to bring a photo ID, and a bill/piece of mail w/their local Houston address. We serve clients from all ZIP codes in the Houston area. Our primary client hours are: Thursdays 5 - 7 PM and Saturdays 10 AM - Noon

Volunteer Opportunities & Service Day Ideas:

  • Hold a food drive, and bring the collection to stock our shelves. Stocking our shelves can be done on most weekdays or Saturday afternoons. (Needed items that can be collected are listed below.)

  • Volunteer during our open hours, and assist clients who are selecting their food. Volunteer times: 4:30-7 PM Thursdays, 9:30 AM-Noon Saturdays. You can sign up directly via SignupGenius at Youth groups are great - older middle school and high school students can help clients. Younger volunteers may come with adults.

  • We receive deliveries from the Houston Food Bank on Thursday mornings where lots of hands help immensely. Deliveries are approximately every 3 weeks. We receive pallets of food that need to be unboxed and stocked in the pantry and our outside shed.

  • We need volunteers to pick up donations from area restaurants throughout the week and throughout the month.

  • Deliver frozen boxed meals to homebound seniors.

  • Plan a work day inside the pantry: paint our door jams, fix doors & caulk holes in walls (yes, we have a few!)

  • Build shelving inside our shed. We provide materials.

  • Assist during a 5th Saturday Food Fair - we receive a Houston Food Bank truck full of goods and distribute the contents to the community. These are held from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM on 5th Saturdays throughout the year. Our next 5th Saturday event will be in February, 2020.

We especially appreciate the following donations:

  • Shelf Milk (boxed liquid)

  • Meals in a Can, such as Ravioli & Spaghettios

  • Canned fruit and canned vegetables

  • Canned tomatoes & tomato/spaghetti sauce

  • Spaghetti

  • Noodles

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly

  • Vegetable oil

  • Diapers & wipes

  • Adult underwear/Depends

  • Toothbrushes & toothpaste

LITH Merchandise On Sale Now! by Lori Bigler

Finally!  Mother Nature has started teasing us with sporadic days of cooler weather, and our thoughts turn to the holidays, which are right around the corner.  Our beloved neighborhood holiday tradition, Lights in the Heights®, is coming on December 14th!

 Lights in the Heights Merchandise is now on sale on the Woodland Heights  Civic Association website: We are excited to offer new merchandise, as well as some of the favorites you’ve grown to love.  LITH T-shirts have a new style this year, and come in both a men’s and ladies’ cut!  Made of 50/50 cotton and polyester, the shirts feature the 2019 LITH Bell Logo on the front.  This year’s festive logo was designed by Hogg Middle School student, Oli Bayse, in Hogg’s graphic design program.


Orders for LITH merchandise can also be placed at the WHCA General Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th, at 7:00 pm, at Travis Elementary School. 

All merchandise can be picked up at Friday Night Lights on December 13th,  on the Norhill Esplanade. Remaining in-stock merchandise will also be for sale (cash, check or charge accepted). 

Additional pick-up dates for pre-ordered items will be during the week of December 16th.  More information will be announced soon.  Questions about LITH Merchandise can be submitted to

Infrastructure Corner by Lori Bigler

As we mentioned before, the board has started a new feature providing periodic updates of infrastructure-related issues, both big and small, happening in and around the neighborhood. If you have a question or see something interesting, email us at

So what’s going on?

As you probably noticed, the Studewood construction finally finished a few weeks ago. The City was fixing sewer lines in response to a 311 Request. Some of our neighbors on Merrill had been living with a sewage smell for a number of weeks, and the City was working to find and fix the source of the problem. Hopefully those neighbors are smelling cleaner air. As far as the safety improvements planned for Studewood and 11th Street, including the pedestrian refuge islands, we still haven’t heard anything. We’ll let you know when we hear an update.

But here’s an update on something exciting near the neighborhood . . .

“Bayou Greenways Park” and Connecting the Bayou Trail

Have you been on the White Oak Bayou Trail and wondered why it stops at Stude Park and does not connect to the Heights Hike and Bike Trail? They were funded as part of different projects, leaving a small gap. The Houston Parks Board just announced that it now has plans to finish that gap as part of its Bayou Greenways initiative. It also announced plans to build a trail head and small park on the East and West sides of Studewood, respectively. Expected completion is summer 2020. You can read more about the White Oak Bayou Greenway and planned projects here and links to the design pictures here

Bayou Greenways Park2.png
Bayou Greenways Park3.png

That’s it for now. We’d love to hear from you about infrastructure projects you’d like to see in and around the neighborhood. And please let us know of current or future projects you hear about. Again, email us at

- Brad Snead, WHCA Director of Infrastructure

Passing the Director of Membership Baton by Lori Bigler

As many of you know, this summer, our Director of Membership, Sharon Greiff, resigned her post on the Woodland Heights Civic Association Board of Directors. Speaking for the entire WHCA Board, we wish Sharon the best and hope to see her back involved with our wonderful neighborhood soon.

Since Sharon’s resignation, the Board has been keeping an eye out for a suitable replacement. Effective as of our last Board meeting, October 1, 2019, our search was officially ended. Kelly Hare, a 15-year resident of the Woodland Heights, accepted the Board’s nomination and was duly appointed to replace Sharon. Needless to say, the Board is excited to have Kelly on board. We all feel she will to a great job.

Kelly and her husband, Perry, have two boys. One son attends Travis Elementary and the other goes to Hogg Middle School. Professionally, she is Speech and Language Pathologist with her career currently on hiatus.

Please reach out to Kelly if you would like to become a member of the Woodland Heights Civic Association or if you have any questions about what being a member means. Her official WHCA email address is

You're Invited to the Ribbon Cutting at White Oak Drive & Houston Ave. by Lori Bigler

Houston Ave Mini-Park Ribbon Cutting.jpg

The Friends of Woodland Park (FWP) are proud to report that the traffic intersection improvements at Houston Ave. and White Oak Dr., including the new community park, have been fully completed, and a dedication celebration has scheduled.

Please join us on Saturday October 26th from 2-3 PM for refreshments and community fellowship.

FWP’s original master plan (envisioned and drawn by Scott McCready and others from SWA Landscape Architects) showed a streamlined, safer, more beautiful intersection at this busy and confused juncture. It has been an FWP goal to implement this vision as the Houston Ave./White Oak Dr. intersection is the southern entrance to Woodland Park and our Woodland Heights neighborhood.

But it was the hard work and 100% funding from Memorial Heights Redevelopment Authority/TIRZ-5 and the City of Houston that made it a reality. Additional thanks are due to our District H City Council Member Karla Cisneros for her significant involvement and financial contributions for the extension of the bike lanes to Spring St. and the Bayou Greenway hike and bike trail.

Our community is fortunate to have and enjoy this new neighborhood amenity. So please come to the dedication and help us show our appreciation.

Woodland Park's Replica Trolly is Moving On by Lori Bigler

Dear Woodland Park and FWP supporters/volunteers,

We are disappointed to report that our remarkable trolley replica has deteriorated beyond repair and will be scheduled for demolition in the next four - six weeks. Even though it was built with pressure treated wood and thoroughly primed and painted, the elements have not been kind. It has also experienced heavy use since its installation (which we have been delighted to see), and this has accelerated its deterioration.

Pat Rutledge (Friends of Woodland Park) and Paul Carr, who made the trolly, when it was installed in 2016.  Photo courtesy of The Houston Chronicle.

Pat Rutledge (Friends of Woodland Park) and Paul Carr, who made the trolly, when it was installed in 2016.
Photo courtesy of The Houston Chronicle.

So if you and your children want to enjoy it one more time be sure to do so before the end of November. We plan to save and display the trolley sign along with an early picture of it in an FWP display case that we are in the process of creating. Details will follow.

The good news is we are in discussions with Firefly Field sculptor Dylan Conner to create a woodland-creature playscape that will permanently reside in the playground space that is being vacated with the removal of the trolley. We will keep you informed!

We may need the community’s financial support to make the new addition a reality. As the details of the trolley replacement come into focus we may see a need to launch a fundraising program to cover the cost of the creation and installation of the new structure. So stay tuned.

We are eternally grateful to each and every one of you for your longstanding and ongoing support of our efforts to make the park more enjoyable. We couldn’t have achieved what we have without all of you helping us.

With gratitude,

The Friends of Woodland Park Board of Directors

Super Neighborhood Candidate Forums this Week! by Lori Bigler

This just in!

Dear SN22 Colleagues and Friends,

Super Neighborhood 22 (along with several other Super Neighborhoods) will host three forums this week—At-Large (Positions 1, 3, and 5), and Districts C and H. Please see the Eventbrite invitations below for more details including schedule breakdown, and candidate information for each forum. 

Questions were developed around the following topics of interest—Civic Engagement and Transparency, Super Neighborhood Initiative and Planning, Infrastructure, Quality of Life, and Budgeting and Economic Development. 

All three forums will be held in MECA's Auditorium. Food and drinks will be provided at each event. Free on-street parking is available.

Monday, October 14At-Large (Positions 1, 3, and 5) Eventbrite  

Food provided by the Orlando Sanchez Campaign for Houston City Controller from Shandy's Cafe on Memorial Drive; food available at 6:00 PM. 

Forum will begin at 6:30 PM.

Tuesday, October 15: District H Eventbrite

Food will be available at 6:30 PM; graciously donated by Chatter's Cafe & Bistro, and Southwell's Hamburger Grill.

Forum will begin at 7:00 PM.

Thursday, October 17: District C Eventbrite

Food will be available at 6:30 PM.

Forum will begin at 7:00 PM.


MECA Auditorium
1900 Kane Street
Houston, Texas 77007

Free on-street parking is available. 

Creature Feature: Great Horned Owl by Lori Bigler

Who’s Awake? Me Too! If you’ve heard this loudly hooted call, you’re among those who have been close to a Great Horned Owl. Since the end of September, a pair have been heard prior to sunrise and again at sunset at locations across the Woodland Heights. Chances are good that they are re-establishing their territory, telling potential competitors that they have a strong pair bond and that no others need apply.

The calls of Great Horned Owls carry for a couple of blocks against the backdrop of freeway noise and up to a mile in the wild. Pairs perform duets, with the male having a rich baritone voice and with the female hooting at a slightly higher pitch. When alarmed, they will bark and make scratchy growls.

It’s best to be content with just hearing these owls, since they are masters of disguise and defy the onlooker and photographer. It’s also strongly advised that you do nothing to annoy them – such as trying to catch them in the beam of a flashlight – since their lives are already hard enough and because they have occasionally been known to use their powerful talons on those they see as a threat, particularly during nesting season in late winter and spring.

Great Horned Owls are stealthy predators, swooping down on wings that produce virtually no sound. They play an important role in helping keep populations of squirrels, rats, mice, and snakes in balance. And though they weigh no more than three pounds, they can take on prey as large as swamp rabbits, raccoons, and possums. As always, it’s best to keep cats and other small pets inside at night when owls, stray dogs, coyotes and cars are on the prowl. The songbirds and other critters on which cats prey will thank you too!

Btw – Great Horned Owls are named for the tufts of feathers they can raise on their heads to look bigger and scarier. The photos show owlets and adult birds (probably the same pair) at spots in the Woodland Heights, Woodland Park and White Oak Park. All photos were taken at a substantial distance with a “superzoom” camera at an equivalent of 1200 mm and then cropped. Please keep your distance and honor the choice that Great Horned Owls make as they share their lives with us, since they are doing their best to fulfill their role as important apex predators in the rapidly diminishing habitat available to them. We are very lucky to have them here, since there are only a few neighborhoods inside of the Beltway where Great Horned Owls raise their young.

- Wendy Wright

Editors note: I’ve routinely seen a pair Great Horned Owls in 11th Street Park, on 11th Street just past TC Jester. I typically see and hear them just as the sun starts to set, toward the southwest corner of the park.

Woodland Heights Stats from Crime (September 2019) by Lori Bigler

The following is the monthly report issued by for Woodland Heights, for the period of September 1 to 31st, 2019.

Your CrimeReports alert for the period: Sep 01, 2019 — Sep 30, 2019. This update includes all incidents added to the map since the last update you received.

Note: Alert areas are calculated using a standard-sized monitor. Depending on the size of your browser window, you may see a different number of incidents when you click the "map incidents" link.

Location: Woodland Heights

Sep 01, 2019 — Sep 30, 2019

23 Incidents





Property Crimes

Breaking & Entering
Property Crime
Theft from Vehicle
Theft of Vehicle

Violent Crimes

Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Are you a member of the WHCA Constable Patrol Program? The presence of the Harris County Precinct One Constables on patrol in the neighborhood reduces response times dramatically when an incident is reported.