Neighborhood Traffic Management Program – Update / by Guest User

The Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan is continuing to evolve, and following a neighborhood-wide traffic study conducted by the city during 2015, the city met with a forty-strong group of delegates from the neighborhood on Monday 28th March. The traffic study had provided data to show that there was a significant traffic volume issue on Watson, Pecore, Bayland and Beauchamp in addition to a not insignificant number of cars breaking the posted speed limit on a daily basis. A plan was developed by the city engineers based upon the consensus view that an arrangement of traffic calming devices should be implemented to dissuade non-neighborhood traffic from using our streets as a convenient cut-through.

The city's traffic engineers are developing a revised traffic plan based upon the feedback received from the neighborhood delegates. Once consensus is reached, the next phase of the process will be the installation of temporary traffic calming measures, followed by a second traffic study. This will provide the data required to determine whether the measures have been effective and to what extent the system of devices may need fine-tuning. The city will send out notices regarding a public meeting at a later date, detailing the results of the second traffic survey. If you desire any further information regarding this process or would like to be involved as a neighborhood delegate, please contact us.