Have you ever watched some situation occurring in the neighborhood and thought to yourself, “someone should do something about that?” Maybe you could be that someone who makes a difference right here where you live!
The WHCA board has recently cast a nominating committee in preparation for the board elections that will occur at the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, May 12th.
In the past, the entire board was elected anew each year. In the interest of continuity, the 2019 revision to the WHCA bylaws stipulates each position is now a two-year term. About half the positions are offset a year, so only half of the board is elected each year.
In 2020, the nominating committee is tasked with finding candidates interested in running for the following positions:
Director of Security
Director of Beautification
Director of Communications
Director of Deed Restrictions
If you have any interest in stepping up to help guide the WHCA, please reach out to the nominating committee, which is chaired by current WHCA Secretary Alaina Hebert. Committee members can provide insight into the work of the organization and descriptions of the responsibilities of the various positions.
There’s no more direct way to impact the neighborhood than serving on the team that represents Woodlands Heights to other organizations.
- Michael Graves, Director of Communications, WHCA