Don’t Let Our Constable Patrol Die on the Vine! / by Lori Bigler


When the time comes and you need the Constable Patrol, think of this. Our Woodland Heights neighborhood has nearly 2,250 residences. The Constable Patrol is funded by just over 400 residences. To interject some ugly facts, last year Constable Patrol subscriptions fell significantly short of covering the cost of our two-shift patrol and, without better participation from the Neighborhood, will likely be the same this year. For these two years, the WHCA has made up the difference from its general funds. Without an increase in subscriptions, it is likely the Board will be forced to reduce costs by cutting the current two-shift patrol to a one-shift patrol. How is that making our neighborhood safer?

Now for the good news. There is no doubt, the more the merrier. The cost for the two-shift patrol is spread among the subscribers. If subscriptions increase sufficiently, the per household cost will go down. At the current cost of the Constable Patrol, it would take an additional 150 subscriptions to reduce the cost by $50 or about 260 additional subscriptions to reduce it by $100. That’s just 660 residences out of 2,250! In round numbers, 30 percent of the Neighborhood! I think that is an achievable goal.

Again, 2,250 residences and only 400 current participants. It’s krazy! How can that be? I have given the matter some thought and I think there are four main reasons for the weak rate of participation:

  1. Financial necessity

  2. Ignorance

  3. Inattentiveness

  4. Coattails

Let me address all four.

1. Financial Necessity
Fair enough. If you can’t afford the $350 per year, you can’t afford the $350 per year. There is no shame in that, and I can completely understand the numerous situations falling in this category. I feel safe in stating, those of us who are in the position to support the Constable Patrol are more than happy to support our neighbors who may be struggling. No worries.

2. Ignorance
That’s our bad. By “our”, I mean the Board of Directors of the Woodland Heights Civic Association. If you do not know of the good work the Constable Patrol does for our neighborhood, we are not getting the word our effectively.

3. Inattentiveness
Rephrased as, “I just keep forgetting to enroll.” We, the WHCA Board, will have to take a modicum responsibility for insufficient or ineffective reminders. However, we are all adults and responsible for our actions. Please go to and enroll. There are numerous options for payment, including good old-fashioned mail, by sending a check to Woodland Heights Civic Association, P.O. Box 7754, Houston, Texas, 77270-7754.

4. Coattails
I am hopeful this is not an elective position taken by members of our Neighborhood. In reflecting on the folks I know residing in the Woodland Heights, I can’t think of any who would consciously take the position of “I can get the use of the Constable Patrol without shouldering my share.” I am optimistic the rest of the neighborhood is the same.

Let’s band together to make this Constable Patrol work for us all. Please participate. Again, go to or send a check to Woodland Heights Civic Association, P.O. Box 7754, Houston, Texas, 77270-7754. Enrollment is $350. If you choose the online option, you can opt for auto-renewal and forget the hassle of annual renewals.

- Harry McMahon, President, WHCA