Thank you neighbors who are current subscribers to our constable program. We've had two successful weekends of Constable Patrol sign and sticker pick-ups. We know a few of you were inconvenienced after we cancelled the first date due to the impending storm because we "didn't want to freeze" and man, if we had only known what was coming! Then we changed the location up on you guys and, I'll be honest, I didn't do the very best job getting the word out. We're trying to make sure everyone can get their stickers and I think we did a littler bit better on our second try. We're planning future pop-ups with new merchandise that we have on order and can't wait to see who we see next!

Our success with these pop-ups has really been tri-fold! We've enjoyed being able to get out and see our neighbors. Having been in pseudo-lockdown for a year has been trying and just getting to talk to folks about the neighborhood, the 100 year home program, neighbor's four-legged friends and life has reminded us of everything we have to look forward to in the coming months and year. Additionally, membership in the program is UP! Big thanks to our volunteers for setting up these events and to our neighbors for coming out and saying hello! As always, if you have any questions about the program, email our Director of Security, Margaux Poizat, at security@woodland-heights.


Below is our January Security Report:

CP Report - Jan.PNG


Thank you neighbors who are current subscribers to our constable program. In addition to their normal duties such as patrolling, responding to alarm calls and dispatch requests and performing vacation watch checks, our deputies take care of our four-legged neighbors. Luna was not arrested for criminal behavior; she was reunited with her family after a little neighborhood adventure. Thank you Deputy Vest for helping runaway neighborhood pets and strays!


Below is our December Security Report:

December Security.PNG


Thank you neighbors who are current subscribers to our constable program. I would like to share what the program means for our neighborhood. 

We have two deputy patrols each working 40 hours per week.  They patrol in marked cars to deter crime. Duties include:

  • Answering alarm calls;

  • Responding to HPD dispatch requests;

  • Performing vacation watches and free home security inspections for subscribers; 

  • Basic law enforcement activities (speeding tickets, traffic stops, arrests etc.)

Deputy Vest wanted to relay a few things to our community. 

  1. As everyone starts throwing there awesome gift boxes out. remember to turn the boxes inside out. You don’t want to advertise what you got for Christmas. 

  2. Don’t  leave valuables in your car and to not leave it unlocked. This seems like a no brainer but it happens all the time. 

  3. As usual if something just doesn’t look right, call it in. 


Yard of the Month: 501 Teetshorn by Lori Bigler

January Yard of the Month goes to 501 Teetshorn on the corner of Helen. The current homeowner purchased the property in 2017. A large southern magnolia anchors the front yard on the western edge. Seasonal beds line the front of the home and add a welcoming entrance to the home. Hog fencing surrounds the property dividing the front and side yard which has a cocktail pool plus more lush landscaping. Citrus and vegetable plants are mixed in the back area and along the driveway.

Tip of the trowel to this friendly neighbor and her two Irish Wolfhounds!

-Allison Hartzell, Director of Beautification

Infrastructure Corner by Lori Bigler

11th Street Bikeway

We have an update on the 11th Street Project after the City’s presentation on December 16th (which we advertised via social media). For those who don’t know, the City plans to implement a “road diet” on 11th Street between Shepherd and Michaux: removing one car lane, converting the middle lane to a turning lane (like on Studewood) for most of the road, and adding separated bike lanes. The general idea is to reduce car speed, while maintaining traffic volume, and add infrastructure to make it safer for people walking in biking in the area. The City is currently at 30% design phase and hopes to start construction this coming Summer.

Two particular points of interest for our neighborhood. The first is the location and design of protected crosswalks on 11th Street, such as around Hogg Middle School. The second relates to sections of the project inside our neighborhood. The Houston Bike Plan includes Michaux as a bike thoroughfare to connect 11th Street to the White Oak Bayou Trail. As part of the 11th Street Project, the City plans to (i) add bike signage on Michaux and (ii) install a pedestrian/bike island refuge at Michaux and White Oak.

There are trade-offs for all of these projects. I’m in communication with the City, and would like to get a sense for what our neighbors think about these two points in particular. To be clear, we are likely past the “no go” stage; the project is almost certainly happening. However, there is opportunity to improve the project and have our voices heard in the final design. If you have comments on how the project could improve—and just not general opposition—or are interested in meeting (virtually) about these issues, please contact me (Brad Snead) at infrastructure@woodland-heights.org.

The meeting presentation can be found here: https://houstonbikeplan.org/planned/11th-street/ (look in the public engagement section). Individual comments and questions can be submitted here: www.letstalkhouston.org/11th-street-bikeway.

Overview of Total Project Area


As always, please email any comments, ideas, and suggestions to infrastructure@woodland-heights.org.-

-Brad Snead, Director of Infrastructure

LITH 2020 SCAVENGER HUNT by Lori Bigler

Welcome to the Lights in the Heights 2020 Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt!  Look for the items listed below using your keenest adventure skills!  Check your items off as you find them. Please feel free to share your favorite selections with us by sending us a note or picture to LightsInTheHeights@gmail.com.  Be mindful that some photos may be showcased on the Lights in the Heights website for your friends and neighbors to enjoy. This way everyone can get a glimpse of the wonderful and inventive decorations they may have missed!!

  •         Dinosaur

  •         A Sign of Peace

  •         Funny or Impressive Leftover Halloween Pumpkin

  •         Flying Pig

  •         Favorite Inflatable

  •         Hanukkah Bear

  •         Snow Man

  •         Candy or Sweets

  •         Nutcracker

  •         Brightest House

  •         Big Christmas Tree

  •         Small Christmas Tree

  •         Large Bow

  •         Something Whataburger Related

  •         Most Decorations

  •         Favorite Cartoon Decorations

  •         3 Favorite Santas

  •         Favorite Holiday Theme

  •         Most Creative

  •         Animals and Wildlife

Once you have completed the hunt, please submit your forms or selections to LightsInTheHeights@gmail.com.

**Please be mindful of private property, traffic laws, personal safety and social distancing practices while completing your hunt. All items are in public view from public spaces and this activity is intended to be completed via public streets, sidewalks and thoroughfares and trespassing on private property is not suggested.  If taking pictures, please be sure not to include home interiors, property owners or children outside of your group.    


Make sure to tag us and show your Lights in the Height’s spirit at #LITH2020 or #LightsInTheHeights2020!!

Tag us!.png

2020 Lights in the Heights Winning Homes by Lori Bigler

The LITH judging committee judges toured the neighborhood and submitted their ballots for consideration. The following are this year’s award winning homes:

  • Most Colorful – 901 Omar

  • Most Festive – 2905 Beauchamp

  • Most Creative – 311 Euclid

  • Most Wattage – 614 Byrne

  • Most Religious - 616 Highland

  • Best Theme – 3511 Oakridge

  • Best Single Color – 1020 E. 7th

  • Most Traditional – 801 Merrill

  • Most Historical – 3003 Norhill

  • Pick of the Night – 412 Highland

  • Ho-Ho-Ho! – 629 Merrill

  • Most Crafty – 501 Euclid

  • Best Porch – 922 Bayland

  • Best Inflatables – 408 Bayland

  • Best Block - 400 block of Byrne

  • Most Appreciated* - 3004 Beauchamp

  • Most Trending* - 3212/3218 Beauchamp

  • Most Geological* - 428 Byrne

  • Most Mystical* - 402 Byrne

  • Most Astronomical* - 312 Bayland

  • Most Fishy* - 909 Highland

  • Most Wildlife* - 903 Highland

  • Most Synchronized* - 1009 Omar

  • Best Tribute* - 927 Merrill

The houses listed above are all within the Woodland Heights neighborhood. The judges start out with a list of categories that have been used for years, but also designate ad hoc categories* based upon what they find on their tour.

 A special thank you to all the wonderful and committed residents of Woodland Heights that make this time of year beautiful and twinkling!

Spirit of LITH 2020 Reminder by Lori Bigler

We just want to post a gentle reminder that there’s no organized Lights in the Heights® event this year. What does this mean?

  • There were no permits pulled for the event because of Covid-19

  • There will not be extra police presence in the neighborhood

  • There will not be trash receptacles

  • There will not be porta potties

  • There will be no “one way” directional signs for cars or any other no traffic control

  • City of Houston will be the contact for any noise ordinance complaints

  • There has not been a coordination with Lyft this year

It’s sad, we know, so we wrote you this poem to cheer you up.

LITH Poem.png

All kidding aside, we really want our neighbors to have a safe and happy holiday season. We’re working to spread the word that we’re not having our traditional LITH event. This includes signage at the esplanade, coordination with local businesses and groups to communicate our plans, notifying the constable over concerns there may be a potential uptick in pedestrian traffic and reaching out to local media as another avenue to share our plans.

-LITH Committee and WHCA

Yard of the Month: 530 Omar by Lori Bigler

December yard of the month goes to 530 Omar!

Amy Morris and Kenny Kurtzman have a lovely, traditional holiday look working in their beautifully landscaped yard. This beautiful home is white, which makes the garlands and wreaths decorating it pop! At night, the house and grounds are lit up in warm white. In the winter, the gardens are layers of various greens punctuated by white roses and occasional color. Olive trees flank their western edge, shading the stone walkway that wraps around their expansive front porch, with roses on the fence wrapping the perimeter of the yardspace. A variety of plantings colorize and accessorize the yard including azaleas, foxtail ferns, fig ivy, gardenias, honeymoon roses, and magnolias. Congratulations!

- Allison Hartzell, Director of Beautification


Though Lights in the Heights will be different this year in many ways, the cloisonné ornament tradition continues!

The 2020 edition of the hand-crafted LITH ornament, along with NEW Woodland Heights merchandise, will be for sale on Saturday, November 7 from 9:30 to 4:30 at the Norhill Esplanade at Woodland and Norhill (and also at https://www.woodland-heights.org/store?category=Lights+in+the+Heights.)

If you've already purchased merchandise online, your order will be waiting for you for pick-up at the Esplanade. We hope to see you soon!

Travis Elementary Frights in the Heights 2020 by Lori Bigler

Frights in the Heights.jpg

Looking for a fun way to spice up your 2020 Halloween? The Travis PTA is hosting Frights in the Heights where you can:

  • Enter for a chance to win an electric bike from CYKL

  • Enter your own pumpkin in the Art Contest

  • Order dinner from Mastranto’s on October 30th or 31st

Visit www.travispta.org/carnival-2020

All funds raised go to Travis Elementary PTA

Event sponsored by Sara Black, Nan & Co Properties, Christie’s International Real Estate

How old is my house? by Lori Bigler


Tracing the history of your house can be interesting and time-consuming. Here are some basic resources to help you determine the age of your home and get you started. Check these to determine the age of your home:

  1. Harris County Appraisal District (HCAD)

You can do a quick search by address and you should find a date for your home and possibly a remodeling date (not 100% accurate but will provide a starting place).


2. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

These neighborhood maps were created by an insurance company and many libraries provide online versions to search. One of the easier collections to search is found at the University of Texas in the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. For the Woodland Heights homes, you should look for Houston and use the Key page to locate the area of interest. The book from 1924 has many of our homes in it. You will see a drawing of the home identified with the street address. Most of Woodland Heights can be found on these sheets: 253,254,256,259,260,263,267,268,271, and 272.

There are bound copies at the Houston Metropolitan Archives.


3. Houston Metropolitan Research Center

William A Wilsom Company Plat.jpg

Closed for now due to pandemic but it has many archival papers related to Houston history. Some items are digitized, but some require you to research the files in person. This collection is located downtown at 550 McKinney in the Julia Ideson building and in the same block as the Central library. Here are some examples of what you might find:

4. City of Houston Preservation Guide

This source gives a bit of history and examples of notable homes in the neighborhood.


5. Recollections: a history of Woodland Heights and surrounding communities by Omar Holquin Jr.

This book is available from Amazon and was written around the centennial of the Woodland Heights. The author lives in the neighborhood.

- Debbie Hall

Yard of the Month: 815 Merrill by Lori Bigler

November yard of the month goes to the fall festival that’s happening at 815 Merrill.  Joanna Queen and her husband, Daniel Dylla moved in 2 years ago with their two girls after doing a renovation to the original bungalow. The front porch is so inviting and is a welcome extra room during this social distancing time. It’s got swings and comfy furniture along with attractive details that encourage you to sit outside and relax, visit or have a cocktail.

Front beds are planted with sandy leaf fig ivy, walking irises, giant liriope and lysmachia. The birch tree is about 30 years old and they planted the maple when we moved in.   Joanna has the Front porch beautifully decorated with pumpkins and chrysanthemums right now.  A fun flock of decorative bats seem lifelike on the walls and in fact flitter off sometimes!

Tip of the trowel to this family for creating such a beautiful yard and outdoor space! Congratulations!

- Allison Hartzell, Director of Beautification

A New Face on the WHCA Board of Directors by Lori Bigler

Director of Communications: Lori Bigler

I'm a Texas native and grew up in the Houston area. I had an early love for the Heights, starting with frequent trips to hear bands play at Fitzgerald's during my high school and college days. Fast forward many years later, a couple of moves from and back to Texas, my husband and I bought our house in Woodland Heights in 2015. We love biking the neighborhood with our two young kids and frequent the various area parks and esplanades. 

Lori-Bigler-Bio Pic (2).jpg

Since moving here, aside from participating as a block captain, I've mostly watched as other civic minded neighbors volunteered their talents to community efforts such as LITH, the newsletter, 4th of July on the Esplanade and the Constable Patrol Program. I'm happy to have the opportunity to give back to our community through volunteering as Director of Communications and to contribute to the many activities that make Woodland Heights wonderful and unique.